Module pacai.agents.learning.value
class ValueEstimationAgent (index, alpha=1.0, epsilon=0.05, gamma=0.8, numTraining=10, **kwargs)
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class ValueEstimationAgent(BaseAgent): """ An abstract agent which assigns Q-values to (state, action) pairs. The best values and policies are estimated by: ``` V(state) = max_{action in actions} Q(state ,action) policy(state) = arg_max_{action in actions} Q(state, action) ``` """ def __init__(self, index, alpha = 1.0, epsilon = 0.05, gamma = 0.8, numTraining = 10, **kwargs): """ Args: alpha: The learning rate. epsilon: The exploration rate. gamma: The discount factor. numTraining: The number of training episodes. """ super().__init__(index, **kwargs) self.alpha = float(alpha) self.epsilon = float(epsilon) self.discountRate = float(gamma) self.numTraining = int(numTraining) @abc.abstractmethod def getQValue(self, state, action): """ Should return Q(state,action). """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def getValue(self, state): """ What is the value of this state under the best action? Concretely, this is given by: ``` V(state) = max_{action in actions} Q(state ,action) ``` """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def getPolicy(self, state): """ What is the best action to take in the state? Note that because we might want to explore, this might not coincide with `ValueEstimationAgent.getAction`. Concretely, this is given by: ``` policy(state) = arg_max_{action in actions} Q(state, action) ``` If many actions achieve the maximal Q-value, it doesn't matter which is selected. """ pass
An abstract agent which assigns Q-values to (state, action) pairs. The best values and policies are estimated by:
V(state) = max_{action in actions} Q(state ,action) policy(state) = arg_max_{action in actions} Q(state, action)
- The learning rate.
- The exploration rate.
- The discount factor.
- The number of training episodes.
- BaseAgent
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Inherited from:
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …
def final(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, state)
Inherited from:
The BaseAgent will receive an
, and must return an action fromDirections
. def getPolicy(self, state)
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@abc.abstractmethod def getPolicy(self, state): """ What is the best action to take in the state? Note that because we might want to explore, this might not coincide with `ValueEstimationAgent.getAction`. Concretely, this is given by: ``` policy(state) = arg_max_{action in actions} Q(state, action) ``` If many actions achieve the maximal Q-value, it doesn't matter which is selected. """ pass
What is the best action to take in the state? Note that because we might want to explore, this might not coincide with
. Concretely, this is given by:policy(state) = arg_max_{action in actions} Q(state, action)
If many actions achieve the maximal Q-value, it doesn't matter which is selected.
def getQValue(self, state, action)
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@abc.abstractmethod def getQValue(self, state, action): """ Should return Q(state,action). """ pass
Should return Q(state,action).
def getValue(self, state)
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@abc.abstractmethod def getValue(self, state): """ What is the value of this state under the best action? Concretely, this is given by: ``` V(state) = max_{action in actions} Q(state ,action) ``` """ pass
What is the value of this state under the best action? Concretely, this is given by:
V(state) = max_{action in actions} Q(state ,action)
def observationFunction(self, state)
Inherited from:
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inspect the starting state.