Module pacai.agents.learning.reinforcement


class ReinforcementAgent (index, actionFn=None, numTraining=100, epsilon=0.5, alpha=0.5, gamma=1, **kwargs)

An abstract value estimation agent that learns by estimating Q-values from experience.

You should know the following: The environment will call ReinforcementAgent.observeTransition(), which will then call ReinforcementAgent.update() (which you should override). Use ReinforcementAgent.getLegalActions() to know which actions are available in a state.


A function which takes a state and returns the list of legal actions.
The learning rate.
The exploration rate.
The discount factor.
The number of training episodes.
Expand source code
class ReinforcementAgent(ValueEstimationAgent):
    An abstract value estimation agent that learns by estimating Q-values from experience.

    You should know the following:
    The environment will call `ReinforcementAgent.observeTransition`,
    which will then call `ReinforcementAgent.update` (which you should override).
    Use `ReinforcementAgent.getLegalActions` to know which actions are available in a state.

    def __init__(self, index, actionFn = None, numTraining = 100, epsilon = 0.5,
            alpha = 0.5, gamma = 1, **kwargs):
            actionFn: A function which takes a state and returns the list of legal actions.
            alpha: The learning rate.
            epsilon: The exploration rate.
            gamma: The discount factor.
            numTraining: The number of training episodes.
        super().__init__(index, **kwargs)

        if (actionFn is None):
            actionFn = lambda state: state.getLegalActions()

        self.actionFn = actionFn
        self.episodesSoFar = 0
        self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
        self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
        self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
        self.epsilon = float(epsilon)
        self.alpha = float(alpha)
        self.discountRate = float(gamma)

    def update(self, state, action, nextState, reward):
        This class will call this function after observing a transition and reward.


    def getAlpha(self):
        return self.alpha

    def getDiscountRate(self):
        return self.discountRate

    def getEpsilon(self):
        return self.epsilon

    def getGamma(self):
        return self.discountRate

    def getLegalActions(self, state):
        Get the actions available for a given state.
        This is what you should use to obtain legal actions for a state.

        return self.actionFn(state)

    def observeTransition(self, state, action, nextState, deltaReward):
        Called by environment to inform agent that a transition has been observed.
        This will result in a call to `ReinforcementAgent.update` on the same arguments.
        You should not directly call this function (the environment will).

        self.episodeRewards += deltaReward
        self.update(state, action, nextState, deltaReward)

    def startEpisode(self):
        Called by environment when a new episode is starting.

        self.lastState = None
        self.lastAction = None
        self.episodeRewards = 0.0

    def stopEpisode(self):
        Called by environment when an episode is done.

        if (self.episodesSoFar < self.numTraining):
            self.accumTrainRewards += self.episodeRewards
            self.accumTestRewards += self.episodeRewards

        self.episodesSoFar += 1
        if (self.episodesSoFar >= self.numTraining):
            # Take off the training wheels.
            self.epsilon = 0.0  # No exploration.
            self.alpha = 0.0  # No learning.

    def isInTraining(self):
        return (self.episodesSoFar < self.numTraining)

    def isInTesting(self):
        return not self.isInTraining()

    def setEpsilon(self, epsilon):
        self.epsilon = epsilon

    def setLearningRate(self, alpha):
        self.alpha = alpha

    def setDiscount(self, discount):
        self.discountRate = discount

    def doAction(self, state, action):
        Called by inherited class when an action is taken in a state.

        self.lastState = state
        self.lastAction = action

    def observationFunction(self, state):
        This is where we ended up after our last action.

        if self.lastState is not None:
            reward = state.getScore() - self.lastState.getScore()
            self.observeTransition(self.lastState, self.lastAction, state, reward)

    def registerInitialState(self, state):
        if self.episodesSoFar == 0:
            logging.debug('Beginning %d episodes of Training' % (self.numTraining))

    def final(self, state):
        Called by Pacman game at the terminal state.

        deltaReward = state.getScore() - self.lastState.getScore()
        self.observeTransition(self.lastState, self.lastAction, state, deltaReward)

        if ('episodeStartTime' not in self.__dict__):
            self.episodeStartTime = time.time()

        if ('lastWindowAccumRewards' not in self.__dict__):
            self.lastWindowAccumRewards = 0.0

        self.lastWindowAccumRewards += state.getScore()

        NUM_EPS_UPDATE = 100
        if (self.episodesSoFar % NUM_EPS_UPDATE == 0):
            logging.debug('Reinforcement Learning Status:')
            windowAvg = self.lastWindowAccumRewards / float(NUM_EPS_UPDATE)

            if (self.episodesSoFar <= self.numTraining):
                trainAvg = self.accumTrainRewards / float(self.episodesSoFar)
                logging.debug('\tCompleted %d out of %d training episodes' %
                        (self.episodesSoFar, self.numTraining))
                logging.debug('\tAverage Rewards over all training: %.2f' % (trainAvg))
                testAvg = float(self.accumTestRewards) / (self.episodesSoFar - self.numTraining)
                logging.debug('\tCompleted %d test episodes' %
                        (self.episodesSoFar - self.numTraining))
                logging.debug('\tAverage Rewards over testing: %.2f' % (testAvg))

  '\tAverage Rewards for last %d episodes: %.2f' %
                    (NUM_EPS_UPDATE, windowAvg))
  '\tEpisode took %.2f seconds' % (time.time() - self.episodeStartTime))

            self.lastWindowAccumRewards = 0.0
            self.episodeStartTime = time.time()

        if (self.episodesSoFar == self.numTraining):
            msg = 'Training Done (turning off epsilon and alpha)'
            logging.debug('%s\n%s' % (msg, '-' * len(msg)))



Static methods

def loadAgent(name, index, args={})

Inherited from: ValueEstimationAgent.loadAgent

Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …


def doAction(self, state, action)

Called by inherited class when an action is taken in a state.

def final(self, state)

Called by Pacman game at the terminal state.

def getAction(self, state)

Inherited from: ValueEstimationAgent.getAction

The BaseAgent will receive an AbstractGameState, and must return an action from Directions.

def getAlpha(self)
def getDiscountRate(self)
def getEpsilon(self)
def getGamma(self)
def getLegalActions(self, state)

Get the actions available for a given state. This is what you should use to obtain legal actions for a state.

def getPolicy(self, state)

Inherited from: ValueEstimationAgent.getPolicy

What is the best action to take in the state? Note that because we might want to explore, this might not coincide with …

def getQValue(self, state, action)

Inherited from: ValueEstimationAgent.getQValue

Should return Q(state,action).

def getValue(self, state)

Inherited from: ValueEstimationAgent.getValue

What is the value of this state under the best action? Concretely, this is given by:

V(state) = max_{action in actions} Q(state ,action)
def isInTesting(self)
def isInTraining(self)
def observationFunction(self, state)

This is where we ended up after our last action.

def observeTransition(self, state, action, nextState, deltaReward)

Called by environment to inform agent that a transition has been observed. This will result in a call to ReinforcementAgent.update() on the same arguments. You should not directly call this function (the environment will).

def registerInitialState(self, state)

Inherited from: ValueEstimationAgent.registerInitialState

Inspect the starting state.

def setDiscount(self, discount)
def setEpsilon(self, epsilon)
def setLearningRate(self, alpha)
def startEpisode(self)

Called by environment when a new episode is starting.

def stopEpisode(self)

Called by environment when an episode is done.

def update(self, state, action, nextState, reward)

This class will call this function after observing a transition and reward.