Module pacai.agents.base
class BaseAgent (index=0, **kwargs)
An agent is something in the pacman world that does something (takes some action). Could be a ghost, the player controlled pacman, an AI controlled pacman, etc.
An agent must define the
method, but may also override any of the other methods.Note that methods that take in a state should assume that they own a shallow copy of the state. So the state should not be modified and a deep copy should be made of any information they want to keep.
Non-abstract children should make sure that their constructors accept
, since agents are typically created reflexively.Expand source code
class BaseAgent(abc.ABC): """ An agent is something in the pacman world that does something (takes some action). Could be a ghost, the player controlled pacman, an AI controlled pacman, etc. An agent must define the `BaseAgent.getAction` method, but may also override any of the other methods. Note that methods that take in a state should assume that they own a shallow copy of the state. So the state should not be modified and a deep copy should be made of any information they want to keep. Non-abstract children should make sure that their constructors accept `**kwargs`, since agents are typically created reflexively. """ def __init__(self, index = 0, **kwargs): self.index = index self.kwargs = kwargs @abc.abstractmethod def getAction(self, state): """ The BaseAgent will receive an `pacai.core.gamestate.AbstractGameState`, and must return an action from `pacai.core.directions.Directions`. """ pass def registerInitialState(self, state): """ Inspect the starting state. """ pass def observationFunction(self, state): """ Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game. """ pass def final(self, state): """ Inform the agent about the result of a game. """ pass @staticmethod def loadAgent(name, index, args = {}): """ Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should appear in the `pacai.agents` or `pacai.student` package. """ if (name.startswith('pacai.')): # This name looks like a fully qualified name, load it directly. agentClass = reflection.qualifiedImport(name) return agentClass(index = index, **args) else: # This is probably just a class name. return BaseAgent._loadAgentByName(name, index, args) @staticmethod def _loadAgentByName(className, index, args = {}): """ Create an agent of the given class with the given index and args. This will search the `pacai.agents` package as well as the `pacai.student` package for an agent with the given class name. """ thisDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) BaseAgent._importAgents(os.path.join(thisDir, '*.py'), 'pacai.agents.%s') BaseAgent._importAgents(os.path.join(thisDir, '..', 'student', '*.py'), 'pacai.student.%s') # Also check any subpackages of pacai.agents. for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(thisDir, '*')): if (os.path.isfile(path)): continue if (os.path.basename(path).startswith('__')): continue packageName = os.path.basename(path) packageFormatString = 'pacai.agents.%s.%%s' % (packageName) BaseAgent._importAgents(os.path.join(path, '*.py'), packageFormatString) # Now that the agent classes have been loaded, just look for subclasses. for subclass in reflection.getAllDescendents(BaseAgent): if (subclass.__name__ == className): return subclass(index = index, **args) raise LookupError('Could not find an agent with the name: ' + className) @staticmethod def _importAgents(globPath, packageFormatString): """ Load all the agents from this package. Note that we are explicitly doing this now so that others are not required to pre-load all the possible agents. We don't need the module in scope, we just need the import to run. """ for path in glob.glob(globPath): if (not os.path.isfile(path)): continue if (os.path.basename(path) in ['', os.path.basename(__file__)]): continue # Ignore the rest of the path and extension. moduleName = os.path.basename(path)[:-3] try: __import__(packageFormatString % (moduleName)) except ImportError as ex: logging.warning('Unable to import agent: "%s". -- %s' % (moduleName, str(ex)))
- abc.ABC
- CaptureAgent
- GhostAgent
- GoWestAgent
- GreedyAgent
- BaseKeyboardAgent
- ValueEstimationAgent
- LeftTurnAgent
- RandomAgent
- SearchAgent
- MultiAgentSearchAgent
- ReflexAgent
- ApproximateSearchAgent
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should appear in the
def final(self, state)
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, state)
The BaseAgent will receive an
, and must return an action fromDirections
. def observationFunction(self, state)
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, state)
Inspect the starting state.