Module pacai.agents.keyboard
class BaseKeyboardAgent (index=0, keyboard=None, directionalKeys={}, **kwargs)
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class BaseKeyboardAgent(BaseAgent): """ An general agent controlled by the keyboard. """ def __init__(self, index = 0, keyboard = None, directionalKeys = {}, **kwargs): """ directionalKeys is a dict of direction to keys for that direction. """ super().__init__(index, **kwargs) self._keyboard = keyboard self._lastMove = Directions.STOP self._directionalKeys = directionalKeys # The keys that we are explictly looking for, self._queryKeys = set() for keys in self._directionalKeys.values(): for key in keys: self._queryKeys.add(key) def getAction(self, state): # Note that we delay this check (instead of doing it in the constructor) # so that replays can create any agent and not worry about a GUI. if (self._keyboard is None): raise ValueError("Keyboard agents require a pacai.ui.keyboard.Keyboard.") intended_action = None legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) keys = self._keyboard.query(self._queryKeys) if (keys != []): intended_action = self._translateKey(keys) if (intended_action not in legal): # The keyed action is illegal, ignore the key press. intended_action = None # If we have no intended action, try to do what we did last time. if (intended_action is None): intended_action = self._lastMove # If the final action is illegal, just stop. if (intended_action not in legal): intended_action = Directions.STOP self._lastMove = intended_action return intended_action def _translateKey(self, keysPressed): """ Convert key presses into Directions (e.g. Directions.WEST). """ for key in reversed(keysPressed): for (direction, possibleKeys) in self._directionalKeys.items(): if (key in possibleKeys): return direction return None
An general agent controlled by the keyboard.
directionalKeys is a dict of direction to keys for that direction.
- BaseAgent
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Inherited from:
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …
def final(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, state)
Inherited from:
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def getAction(self, state): # Note that we delay this check (instead of doing it in the constructor) # so that replays can create any agent and not worry about a GUI. if (self._keyboard is None): raise ValueError("Keyboard agents require a pacai.ui.keyboard.Keyboard.") intended_action = None legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index) keys = self._keyboard.query(self._queryKeys) if (keys != []): intended_action = self._translateKey(keys) if (intended_action not in legal): # The keyed action is illegal, ignore the key press. intended_action = None # If we have no intended action, try to do what we did last time. if (intended_action is None): intended_action = self._lastMove # If the final action is illegal, just stop. if (intended_action not in legal): intended_action = Directions.STOP self._lastMove = intended_action return intended_action
The BaseAgent will receive an
, and must return an action fromDirections
. def observationFunction(self, state)
Inherited from:
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inspect the starting state.
class IJKLKeyboardAgent (index=0, keyboard=None, **kwargs)
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class IJKLKeyboardAgent(BaseKeyboardAgent): """ An agent controlled by IJKL. """ KEYS = { Directions.NORTH: ['i'], Directions.WEST: ['j'], Directions.SOUTH: ['k'], Directions.EAST: ['l'], } def __init__(self, index = 0, keyboard = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(index, keyboard, IJKLKeyboardAgent.KEYS, **kwargs)
An agent controlled by IJKL.
directionalKeys is a dict of direction to keys for that direction.
- BaseKeyboardAgent
- BaseAgent
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var KEYS
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Inherited from:
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …
def final(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, state)
Inherited from:
The BaseAgent will receive an
, and must return an action fromDirections
. def observationFunction(self, state)
Inherited from:
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inspect the starting state.
class WASDKeyboardAgent (index=0, keyboard=None, **kwargs)
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class WASDKeyboardAgent(BaseKeyboardAgent): """ An agent controlled by WASD or the arrow keys. """ KEYS = { Directions.NORTH: ['w', 'Up'], Directions.WEST: ['a', 'Left'], Directions.SOUTH: ['s', 'Down'], Directions.EAST: ['d', 'Right'], } def __init__(self, index = 0, keyboard = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(index, keyboard, WASDKeyboardAgent.KEYS, **kwargs)
An agent controlled by WASD or the arrow keys.
directionalKeys is a dict of direction to keys for that direction.
- BaseKeyboardAgent
- BaseAgent
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var KEYS
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Inherited from:
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …
def final(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, state)
Inherited from:
The BaseAgent will receive an
, and must return an action fromDirections
. def observationFunction(self, state)
Inherited from:
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inspect the starting state.