Module pacai.agents.ghost.directional
class DirectionalGhost (index, prob_attack=0.8, prob_scaredFlee=0.8, **kwargs)
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class DirectionalGhost(GhostAgent): """ A ghost that prefers to rush Pacman, or flee when scared. """ def __init__(self, index, prob_attack = 0.8, prob_scaredFlee = 0.8, **kwargs): super().__init__(index, **kwargs) self.prob_attack = prob_attack self.prob_scaredFlee = prob_scaredFlee def getDistribution(self, state): # Read variables from state. ghostState = state.getGhostState(self.index) legalActions = state.getLegalActions(self.index) pos = state.getGhostPosition(self.index) isScared = ghostState.isScared() speed = 1 if (isScared): speed = 0.5 actionVectors = [Actions.directionToVector(action, speed) for action in legalActions] newPositions = [(pos[0] + action[0], pos[1] + action[1]) for action in actionVectors] pacmanPosition = state.getPacmanPosition() # Select best actions given the state. distancesToPacman = [distance.manhattan(pos, pacmanPosition) for pos in newPositions] if (isScared): bestScore = max(distancesToPacman) bestProb = self.prob_scaredFlee else: bestScore = min(distancesToPacman) bestProb = self.prob_attack zipActions = zip(legalActions, distancesToPacman) bestActions = [action for action, distance in zipActions if distance == bestScore] # Construct distribution. dist = {} for action in bestActions: dist[action] = float(bestProb) / len(bestActions) for action in legalActions: if (action not in dist): dist[action] = 0 dist[action] += float(1 - bestProb) / len(legalActions) probability.normalize(dist) return dist
A ghost that prefers to rush Pacman, or flee when scared.
- GhostAgent
- BaseAgent
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Inherited from:
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …
def final(self, state)
Inherited from:
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, state)
Inherited from:
The BaseAgent will receive an
, and must return an action fromDirections
. def getDistribution(self, state)
Inherited from:
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def getDistribution(self, state): # Read variables from state. ghostState = state.getGhostState(self.index) legalActions = state.getLegalActions(self.index) pos = state.getGhostPosition(self.index) isScared = ghostState.isScared() speed = 1 if (isScared): speed = 0.5 actionVectors = [Actions.directionToVector(action, speed) for action in legalActions] newPositions = [(pos[0] + action[0], pos[1] + action[1]) for action in actionVectors] pacmanPosition = state.getPacmanPosition() # Select best actions given the state. distancesToPacman = [distance.manhattan(pos, pacmanPosition) for pos in newPositions] if (isScared): bestScore = max(distancesToPacman) bestProb = self.prob_scaredFlee else: bestScore = min(distancesToPacman) bestProb = self.prob_attack zipActions = zip(legalActions, distancesToPacman) bestActions = [action for action, distance in zipActions if distance == bestScore] # Construct distribution. dist = {} for action in bestActions: dist[action] = float(bestProb) / len(bestActions) for action in legalActions: if (action not in dist): dist[action] = 0 dist[action] += float(1 - bestProb) / len(legalActions) probability.normalize(dist) return dist
Returns a dictionary encoding a distribution over possible actions.
def observationFunction(self, state)
Inherited from:
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, state)
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Inspect the starting state.