Module pacai.agents.capture.reflex
class ReflexCaptureAgent (index, **kwargs)
A base class for reflex agents that chooses score-maximizing actions.
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class ReflexCaptureAgent(CaptureAgent): """ A base class for reflex agents that chooses score-maximizing actions. """ def __init__(self, index, **kwargs): super().__init__(index, **kwargs) def chooseAction(self, gameState): """ Picks among the actions with the highest return from `ReflexCaptureAgent.evaluate`. """ actions = gameState.getLegalActions(self.index) start = time.time() values = [self.evaluate(gameState, a) for a in actions] logging.debug('evaluate() time for agent %d: %.4f' % (self.index, time.time() - start)) maxValue = max(values) bestActions = [a for a, v in zip(actions, values) if v == maxValue] return random.choice(bestActions) def getSuccessor(self, gameState, action): """ Finds the next successor which is a grid position (location tuple). """ successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(self.index, action) pos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition() if (pos != util.nearestPoint(pos)): # Only half a grid position was covered. return successor.generateSuccessor(self.index, action) else: return successor def evaluate(self, gameState, action): """ Computes a linear combination of features and feature weights. """ features = self.getFeatures(gameState, action) weights = self.getWeights(gameState, action) stateEval = sum(features[feature] * weights[feature] for feature in features) return stateEval def getFeatures(self, gameState, action): """ Returns a dict of features for the state. The keys match up with the return from `ReflexCaptureAgent.getWeights`. """ successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState, action) return { 'successorScore': self.getScore(successor) } def getWeights(self, gameState, action): """ Returns a dict of weights for the state. The keys match up with the return from `ReflexCaptureAgent.getFeatures`. """ return { 'successorScore': 1.0 }
- CaptureAgent
- BaseAgent
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def loadAgent(name, index, args={})
Inherited from:
Load an agent with the given class name. The name can be fully qualified or just the bare class name. If the bare name is given, the class should …
def chooseAction(self, gameState)
Picks among the actions with the highest return from
. def evaluate(self, gameState, action)
Computes a linear combination of features and feature weights.
def final(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
Inform the agent about the result of a game.
def getAction(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
on a grid position, but continues on partial positions. If you subclassCaptureAgent
, you shouldn't need to … def getCurrentObservation(self)
Inherited from:
Returns the GameState object corresponding this agent's current observation (the observed state of the game - this may not include all of your …
def getFeatures(self, gameState, action)
Returns a dict of features for the state. The keys match up with the return from
. def getFood(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
Returns the food you're meant to eat. This is in the form of a
wherem[x][y] = True
if there is food you can eat (based on … def getFoodYouAreDefending(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
Returns the food you're meant to protect (i.e., that your opponent is supposed to eat). This is in the form of a
where `m[x][y] … def getMazeDistance(self, pos1, pos2)
Inherited from:
Returns the distance between two points using the builtin distancer.
def getOpponents(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
Returns agent indices of your opponents. This is the list of the numbers of the agents (e.g., red might be 1, 3, 5)
def getPreviousObservation(self)
Inherited from:
Returns the
object corresponding to the last state this agent saw. That is the observed state of the game … def getScore(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
Returns how much you are beating the other team by in the form of a number that is the difference between your score and the opponents score. This …
def getSuccessor(self, gameState, action)
Finds the next successor which is a grid position (location tuple).
def getTeam(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
Returns agent indices of your team. This is the list of the numbers of the agents (e.g., red might be the list of 1,3,5)
def getWeights(self, gameState, action)
Returns a dict of weights for the state. The keys match up with the return from
. def observationFunction(self, state)
Inherited from:
Make an observation on the state of the game. Called once for each round of the game.
def registerInitialState(self, gameState)
Inherited from:
This method handles the initial setup of the agent and populates useful fields, such as the team the agent is on and the …
def registerTeam(self, agentsOnTeam)
Inherited from:
Fills the self.agentsOnTeam field with a list of the indices of the agents on your team.