Module pacai.util.util
Various utility functions.
def arrayInvert(array)
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def arrayInvert(array): """ Inverts a matrix stored as a list of lists. """ result = [[] for i in array] for outer in array: for inner in range(len(outer)): result[inner].append(outer[inner]) return result
Inverts a matrix stored as a list of lists.
def buildHash(*args)
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def buildHash(*args): """ Build a hash code from different components. """ hashCode = INITIAL_HASH_VALUE for arg in args: hashCode = hashCode * HASH_MULTIPLIER + hash(arg) return int(hashCode)
Build a hash code from different components.
def matrixAsList(matrix, value=True)
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def matrixAsList(matrix, value = True): """ Turns a matrix into a list of coordinates matching the specified value """ rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) cells = [] for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): if (matrix[row][col] == value): cells.append((row, col)) return cells
Turns a matrix into a list of coordinates matching the specified value
def nearestPoint(pos)
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def nearestPoint(pos): """ Finds the nearest grid point to a position (discretizes). """ (current_row, current_col) = pos grid_row = int(current_row + 0.5) grid_col = int(current_col + 0.5) return (grid_row, grid_col)
Finds the nearest grid point to a position (discretizes).
def sign(x)
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def sign(x): """ Returns 1 or -1 depending on the sign of x """ if (x >= 0): return 1 else: return -1
Returns 1 or -1 depending on the sign of x