Module pacai.ui.text
class AbstractTextView (**kwargs)
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class AbstractTextView(AbstractView): """ A view that outputs to stdout. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Override def _drawFrame(self, state, frame, forceDraw = False): # Only draw after agents moves. if (not forceDraw and state.getLastAgentMoved() != 0): return print() agentTokens = frame.getDiscreteAgents() row = frame.getBoardWidth() * [None] # Start in the upper left (0, height - 1) amd go row-by-row. for y in range(frame.getBoardHeight() - 1, -1, -1): for x in range(0, frame.getBoardWidth(), 1): # Overlay the agent's onto the board at the closest interger position. if ((x, y) in agentTokens): row[x] = self._convertToken(agentTokens[(x, y)]) else: row[x] = self._convertToken(frame.getToken(x, y)) print(''.join(row)) print('Score: %d' % (state.getScore())) def _convertToken(self, objectToken): if (objectToken == token.EMPTY_TOKEN): return ' ' if (token.isWall(objectToken)): return '█' if (token.isFood(objectToken)): return '⋅' elif (token.isCapsule(objectToken)): return 'c' elif (token.isPacman(objectToken)): return 'P' elif (token.isGhost(objectToken)): return 'G' elif (objectToken == token.SCARED_GHOST_TOKEN): return 'S' else: return "%02d" % (objectToken)
A view that outputs to stdout.
- AbstractView
- abc.ABC
def finish(self)
Inherited from:
Signal that the game is over and the UI should cleanup.
def getKeyboard(self)
Inherited from:
For views that support keyboards, get an instance of a pacai.ui.keyboard.Keyboard.
def initialize(self, state)
Inherited from:
Perform an initial drawing of the view.
def update(self, state, forceDraw=False)
Inherited from:
Materialize the view, given a state.