Module pacai.ui.gui
class AbstractGUIView (fps=0, title='pacai', **kwargs)
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class AbstractGUIView(AbstractView): """ Most of the functionality necessary to draw graphics in a window. `tkinter` is used, so Tk must be installed on the machine. """ def __init__(self, fps = 0, title = 'pacai', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._fps = int(max(0, min(MAX_FPS, fps))) # To make computations easier, we will actually convert "unlimited FPS" to our FPS max. if (self._fps == 0): self._fps = MAX_FPS self._timePerFrame = 1.0 / self._fps self._totalDrawRequests = None self._totalDroppedFrames = None self._firstDrawTime = None self._lastDrawTime = None if (title != 'pacai'): title = 'pacai - %s' % (str(title)) self._root = tkinter.Tk(baseName = TK_BASE_NAME) self._root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self._windowClosed) self._root.minsize(width = MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, height = MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT) self._root.resizable(True, True) self._root.title(title) self._root.bind("<Configure>", self._resize) self._canvas = None self._imageArea = None self._height = None self._width = None self._dead = False self._keyboard = None # Override def finish(self): super().finish() self._canvas.delete("all") def getKeyboard(self): # tkinter is not good with multiple keybinds. if (self._keyboard is None): self._keyboard = Keyboard(self._root) return self._keyboard # Override def initialize(self, state): super().initialize(state) # Height is +1 for the score. self._height = max( MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, (state.getInitialLayout().getHeight() + 1) * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE) self._width = max( MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, state.getInitialLayout().getWidth() * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE) if (self._canvas is None): self._canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self._root, height = self._height, width = self._width, highlightthickness = 0) self._imageArea = self._canvas.create_image(0, 0, image = None, anchor = tkinter.NW) self._canvas.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True) self._totalDrawRequests = 0 self._totalDroppedFrames = 0 self._firstDrawTime = None def _cleanup(self, exit = True): """ This GUI has been killed, clean up. This is one of the rare cases where we will exit outside of the bin package. """ # Sleep for a short period, so the last state of the game can be seen. time.sleep(DEATH_SLEEP_TIME) if (self._root is not None): self._root.destroy() self._root = None if (exit): sys.exit(0) def _adjustFPS(self): """ Decide if we need to take some action to adjust the FPS. If we are drawing too slow, we will drop a frame. If we are drawing too fast, we will block and timeout. In the case of a dropped frame, this will return true. """ now = time.time() if (math.isclose(0.0, now - self._firstDrawTime)): return True # The FPS after accounting for dropped frames. adjustedFPS = self._totalDrawRequests / (now - self._firstDrawTime) # To keep the FPS up, we may skip animating frames. if (adjustedFPS < self._fps): self._totalDroppedFrames += 1 return True if (self._lastDrawTime is not None): timeLeft = self._timePerFrame - (now - self._lastDrawTime) if (timeLeft > 0): # Use Tkinter to block. self._root.after(int(1000 * timeLeft)) return False # Override def _drawFrame(self, state, frame, forceDraw = False): if (self._dead): self._cleanup() self._totalDrawRequests += 1 if (self._firstDrawTime is None): self._firstDrawTime = time.time() # This is our first frame, we do not have an FPS to stabilize yet. forceDraw = True if (not forceDraw and self._adjustFPS()): return image = frame.toImage(self._sprites, self._font) # Check for a resize. if (self._height != frame.getImageHeight() or self._width != frame.getImageWidth()): image = image.resize((self._width, self._height), resample = Image.LANCZOS) # Convert the image into a tk image. image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self._canvas.itemconfig(self._imageArea, image = image) self._root.update_idletasks() self._root.update() self._lastDrawTime = time.time() def _resize(self, event): if (self._width == event.width and self._height == event.height): return # Ignore resize requests that are for a single pixel. # (These requests are sometimes generated from OSX.) if (event.width == 1 and event.height == 1): return self._width = max(MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, event.width) self._height = max(MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, event.height) self._canvas.config(width = self._width, height = self._height) self._canvas.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True) def _windowClosed(self, event = None): """ Handler for the TK window closing. """ self._dead = True
Most of the functionality necessary to draw graphics in a window.
is used, so Tk must be installed on the machine.Ancestors
- AbstractView
- abc.ABC
def finish(self)
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def finish(self): super().finish() self._canvas.delete("all")
Signal that the game is over and the UI should cleanup.
def getKeyboard(self)
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def getKeyboard(self): # tkinter is not good with multiple keybinds. if (self._keyboard is None): self._keyboard = Keyboard(self._root) return self._keyboard
For views that support keyboards, get an instance of a pacai.ui.keyboard.Keyboard.
def initialize(self, state)
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def initialize(self, state): super().initialize(state) # Height is +1 for the score. self._height = max( MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, (state.getInitialLayout().getHeight() + 1) * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE) self._width = max( MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, state.getInitialLayout().getWidth() * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE) if (self._canvas is None): self._canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self._root, height = self._height, width = self._width, highlightthickness = 0) self._imageArea = self._canvas.create_image(0, 0, image = None, anchor = tkinter.NW) self._canvas.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True) self._totalDrawRequests = 0 self._totalDroppedFrames = 0 self._firstDrawTime = None
Perform an initial drawing of the view.
def update(self, state, forceDraw=False)
Inherited from:
Materialize the view, given a state.