Module pacai.ui.gridworld.utils
Various graphics utilities for gridworld.
def begin_graphics(width=640, height=480, color='#000000', title=None)
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def begin_graphics(width = 640, height = 480, color = formatColor(0, 0, 0), title = None): global _root_window, _canvas, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _canvas_xs, _canvas_ys, _bg_color # Check for duplicate call if _root_window is not None: # Lose the window. _root_window.destroy() # Save the canvas size parameters _canvas_xs, _canvas_ys = width - 1, height - 1 _canvas_x, _canvas_y = 0, _canvas_ys _bg_color = color # Create the root window _root_window = tkinter.Tk(baseName = 'pacman') _root_window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', _destroy_window) _root_window.title(title or 'Graphics Window') _root_window.resizable(0, 0) # Create the canvas object try: _canvas = tkinter.Canvas(_root_window, width=width, height=height) _canvas.pack() draw_background() _canvas.update() except Exception as ex: _root_window = None raise RuntimeError("Unable to create tkinter canvas.") from ex # Bind to key-down and key-up events _root_window.bind("<KeyPress>", _keypress) _root_window.bind("<KeyRelease>", _keyrelease) _root_window.bind("<FocusIn>", _clear_keys) _root_window.bind("<FocusOut>", _clear_keys) _clear_keys()
def circle(pos, r, outlineColor, fillColor, endpoints=None, style='pieslice', width=2)
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def circle(pos, r, outlineColor, fillColor, endpoints=None, style='pieslice', width=2): x, y = pos x0, x1 = x - r - 1, x + r y0, y1 = y - r - 1, y + r if (endpoints is None): e = [0, 359] else: e = list(endpoints) while e[0] > e[1]: e[1] = e[1] + 360 return _canvas.create_arc(x0, y0, x1, y1, outline=outlineColor, fill=fillColor, extent=e[1] - e[0], start=e[0], style=style, width=width)
def clear_screen(background=None)
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def clear_screen(background=None): global _canvas_x, _canvas_y _canvas.delete('all') draw_background() _canvas_x, _canvas_y = 0, _canvas_ys
def draw_background()
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def draw_background(): corners = [(0, 0), (0, _canvas_ys), (_canvas_xs, _canvas_ys), (_canvas_xs, 0)] polygon(corners, _bg_color, fillColor=_bg_color, filled=True, smoothed=False)
def formatColor(r, g, b)
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def formatColor(r, g, b): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))
def keys_pressed(d_o_e=None, d_w=2)
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def keys_pressed(d_o_e=None, d_w=tkinter._tkinter.DONT_WAIT): global _root_window if (d_o_e is None): d_o_e = d_o_e(d_w) if _got_release: d_o_e(d_w) return list(_keysdown.keys())
def line(here, there, color='#000000', width=2)
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def line(here, there, color=formatColor(0, 0, 0), width=2): x0, y0 = here[0], here[1] x1, y1 = there[0], there[1] return _canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, width=width)
def polygon(coords, outlineColor, fillColor=None, filled=1, smoothed=1, behind=0, width=1)
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def polygon(coords, outlineColor, fillColor=None, filled=1, smoothed=1, behind=0, width=1): c = [] for coord in coords: c.append(coord[0]) c.append(coord[1]) if (fillColor is None): fillColor = outlineColor if filled == 0: fillColor = "" poly = _canvas.create_polygon(c, outline=outlineColor, fill=fillColor, smooth=smoothed, width=width) if behind > 0: _canvas.tag_lower(poly, behind) # Higher should be more visible return poly
def sleep(secs)
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def sleep(secs): global _root_window if (_root_window is None): time.sleep(secs) else: _root_window.update_idletasks() _root_window.after(int(1000 * secs), _root_window.quit) _root_window.mainloop()
def text(pos, color, contents, font='Helvetica', size=12, style='normal', anchor='nw')
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def text(pos, color, contents, font='Helvetica', size=12, style='normal', anchor="nw"): global _canvas_x, _canvas_y x, y = pos font = (font, str(size), style) return _canvas.create_text(x, y, fill=color, text=contents, font=font, anchor=anchor)
def wait_for_keys()
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def wait_for_keys(): keys = [] while keys == []: keys = keys_pressed() sleep(0.05) return keys