Module pacai.ui.gridworld.gui
def blank()
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def blank(): utils.clear_screen()
def drawNullSquare(grid, x, y, isObstacle, isTerminal, isCurrent)
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def drawNullSquare(grid, x, y, isObstacle, isTerminal, isCurrent): square_color = getColor(0, -1, 1) if isObstacle: square_color = OBSTACLE_COLOR (screen_x, screen_y) = to_screen((x, y)) square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, color = square_color, filled = 1, width = 1) square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, color = EDGE_COLOR, filled = 0, width = 3) if isTerminal and not isObstacle: square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.4 * GRID_SIZE, color = EDGE_COLOR, filled = 0, width = 2) utils.text((screen_x, screen_y), TEXT_COLOR, str(grid[x][y]), "Courier", -24, "bold", "c") if not isObstacle and isCurrent:, screen_y), 0.1 * GRID_SIZE, LOCATION_COLOR, fillColor = LOCATION_COLOR)
def drawNullValues(gridworld, currentState=None, message='')
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def drawNullValues(gridworld, currentState = None, message = ''): grid = gridworld.grid blank() for x in range(grid.width): for y in range(grid.height): state = (x, y) gridType = grid[x][y] isExit = (str(gridType) != gridType) isCurrent = (currentState == state) if gridType == '#': drawSquare(x, y, 0, 0, 0, None, None, True, False, isCurrent) else: drawNullSquare(gridworld.grid, x, y, False, isExit, isCurrent) pos = to_screen(((grid.width - 1.0) / 2.0, - 0.8)) utils.text(pos, TEXT_COLOR, message, "Courier", -32, "bold", "c")
def drawQValues(gridworld, qValues, currentState=None, message='State-Action Q-Values')
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def drawQValues(gridworld, qValues, currentState = None, message = 'State-Action Q-Values'): grid = gridworld.grid blank() stateCrossActions = [[(state, action) for action in gridworld.getPossibleActions(state)] for state in gridworld.getStates()] qStates = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, stateCrossActions, []) qValueList = [qValues[(state, action)] for state, action in qStates] + [0.0] minValue = min(qValueList) maxValue = max(qValueList) for x in range(grid.width): for y in range(grid.height): state = (x, y) gridType = grid[x][y] isExit = (str(gridType) != gridType) isCurrent = (currentState == state) actions = gridworld.getPossibleActions(state) if (actions is None or len(actions) == 0): actions = [None] q = {} valStrings = {} for action in actions: v = qValues.get((state, action), 0.0) if (action not in q): q[action] = 0.0 q[action] += v valStrings[action] = '%.2f' % v if gridType == '#': drawSquare(x, y, 0, 0, 0, None, None, True, False, isCurrent) elif isExit: action = 'exit' value = q[action] valString = '%.2f' % value drawSquare(x, y, value, minValue, maxValue, valString, action, False, isExit, isCurrent) else: drawSquareQ(x, y, q, minValue, maxValue, valStrings, actions, isCurrent) pos = to_screen(((grid.width - 1.0) / 2.0, - 0.8)) utils.text(pos, TEXT_COLOR, message, "Courier", -32, "bold", "c")
def drawSquare(x, y, val, min, max, valStr, action, isObstacle, isTerminal, isCurrent)
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def drawSquare(x, y, val, min, max, valStr, action, isObstacle, isTerminal, isCurrent): square_color = getColor(val, min, max) if isObstacle: square_color = OBSTACLE_COLOR (screen_x, screen_y) = to_screen((x, y)) square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, color = square_color, filled = 1, width = 1) square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, color = EDGE_COLOR, filled = 0, width = 3) if isTerminal and not isObstacle: square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.4 * GRID_SIZE, color = EDGE_COLOR, filled = 0, width = 2) if action == 'north': coords = [ (screen_x, screen_y - 0.45 * GRID_SIZE), (screen_x + 0.05 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y - 0.40 * GRID_SIZE), (screen_x - 0.05 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y - 0.40 * GRID_SIZE) ] utils.polygon(coords, EDGE_COLOR, filled = 1, smoothed = False) elif action == 'south': coords = [ (screen_x, screen_y + 0.45 * GRID_SIZE), (screen_x + 0.05 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y + 0.40 * GRID_SIZE), (screen_x - 0.05 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y + 0.40 * GRID_SIZE) ] utils.polygon(coords, EDGE_COLOR, filled = 1, smoothed = False) elif action == 'west': coords = [ (screen_x - 0.45 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y), (screen_x - 0.40 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y + 0.05 * GRID_SIZE), (screen_x - 0.40 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y - 0.05 * GRID_SIZE) ] utils.polygon(coords, EDGE_COLOR, filled = 1, smoothed = False) elif action == 'east': coords = [ (screen_x + 0.45 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y), (screen_x + 0.40 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y + 0.05 * GRID_SIZE), (screen_x + 0.40 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y - 0.05 * GRID_SIZE) ] utils.polygon(coords, EDGE_COLOR, filled = 1, smoothed = False) text_color = TEXT_COLOR if not isObstacle and isCurrent:, screen_y), 0.1 * GRID_SIZE, outlineColor = LOCATION_COLOR, fillColor = LOCATION_COLOR) if not isObstacle: utils.text((screen_x, screen_y), text_color, valStr, "Courier", -30, "bold", "c")
def drawSquareQ(x, y, qVals, minVal, maxVal, valStrs, bestActions, isCurrent)
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def drawSquareQ(x, y, qVals, minVal, maxVal, valStrs, bestActions, isCurrent): (screen_x, screen_y) = to_screen((x, y)) center = (screen_x, screen_y) nw = (screen_x - 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y - 0.5 * GRID_SIZE) ne = (screen_x + 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y - 0.5 * GRID_SIZE) se = (screen_x + 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y + 0.5 * GRID_SIZE) sw = (screen_x - 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, screen_y + 0.5 * GRID_SIZE) n = (screen_x, screen_y - 0.5 * GRID_SIZE + 5) s = (screen_x, screen_y + 0.5 * GRID_SIZE - 5) w = (screen_x - 0.5 * GRID_SIZE + 5, screen_y) e = (screen_x + 0.5 * GRID_SIZE - 5, screen_y) actions = list(qVals.keys()) for action in actions: wedge_color = getColor(qVals[action], minVal, maxVal) if action == 'north': utils.polygon((center, nw, ne), wedge_color, filled = 1, smoothed = False) # text(n, text_color, valStr, "Courier", 8, "bold", "n") elif action == 'south': utils.polygon((center, sw, se), wedge_color, filled = 1, smoothed = False) # text(s, text_color, valStr, "Courier", 8, "bold", "s") elif action == 'east': utils.polygon((center, ne, se), wedge_color, filled = 1, smoothed = False) # text(e, text_color, valStr, "Courier", 8, "bold", "e") elif action == 'west': utils.polygon((center, nw, sw), wedge_color, filled = 1, smoothed = False) # text(w, text_color, valStr, "Courier", 8, "bold", "w") square((screen_x, screen_y), 0.5 * GRID_SIZE, color = EDGE_COLOR, filled = 0, width = 3) utils.line(ne, sw, color = EDGE_COLOR) utils.line(nw, se, color = EDGE_COLOR) if isCurrent:, screen_y), 0.1 * GRID_SIZE, LOCATION_COLOR, fillColor = LOCATION_COLOR) for action in actions: text_color = TEXT_COLOR if qVals[action] < max(qVals.values()): text_color = MUTED_TEXT_COLOR valStr = "" if action in valStrs: valStr = valStrs[action] h = -20 if action == 'north': # polygon((center, nw, ne), wedge_color, filled = 1, smooth = 0) utils.text(n, text_color, valStr, "Courier", h, "bold", "n") elif action == 'south': # polygon((center, sw, se), wedge_color, filled = 1, smooth = 0) utils.text(s, text_color, valStr, "Courier", h, "bold", "s") elif action == 'east': # polygon((center, ne, se), wedge_color, filled = 1, smooth = 0) utils.text(e, text_color, valStr, "Courier", h, "bold", "e") elif action == 'west': # polygon((center, nw, sw), wedge_color, filled = 1, smooth = 0) utils.text(w, text_color, valStr, "Courier", h, "bold", "w")
def drawValues(gridworld, values, policy, currentState=None, message='State Values')
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def drawValues(gridworld, values, policy, currentState = None, message = 'State Values'): grid = gridworld.grid blank() valueList = [values[state] for state in gridworld.getStates()] + [0.0] minValue = min(valueList) maxValue = max(valueList) for x in range(grid.width): for y in range(grid.height): state = (x, y) gridType = grid[x][y] isExit = (str(gridType) != gridType) isCurrent = (currentState == state) if gridType == '#': drawSquare(x, y, 0, 0, 0, None, None, True, False, isCurrent) else: value = values[state] action = None if (policy is not None and state in policy): action = policy[state] actions = gridworld.getPossibleActions(state) if action not in actions and 'exit' in actions: action = 'exit' valString = '%.2f' % value drawSquare(x, y, value, minValue, maxValue, valString, action, False, isExit, isCurrent) pos = to_screen(((grid.width - 1.0) / 2.0, - 0.8)) utils.text(pos, TEXT_COLOR, message, "Courier", -32, "bold", "c")
def getColor(val, minVal, max)
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def getColor(val, minVal, max): r = 0.0 g = 0.0 if val < 0 and minVal < 0: r = val * 0.65 / minVal if val > 0 and max > 0: g = val * 0.65 / max return utils.formatColor(r, g, 0.0)
def setup(gridworld, title='Gridworld Display', size=120)
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def setup(gridworld, title = "Gridworld Display", size = 120): global GRID_SIZE, MARGIN, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, GRID_HEIGHT, WINDOW_SIZE grid = gridworld.grid WINDOW_SIZE = size GRID_SIZE = size GRID_HEIGHT = grid.height MARGIN = GRID_SIZE * 0.75 screen_width = (grid.width - 1) * GRID_SIZE + MARGIN * 2 screen_height = (grid.height - 0.5) * GRID_SIZE + MARGIN * 2 utils.begin_graphics(screen_width, screen_height, BACKGROUND_COLOR, title=title)
def square(pos, size, color, filled, width)
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def square(pos, size, color, filled, width): x, y = pos dx, dy = size, size coords = [ (x - dx, y - dy), (x - dx, y + dy), (x + dx, y + dy), (x + dx, y - dy) ] return utils.polygon(coords, outlineColor = color, fillColor = color, filled = filled, width = width, smoothed = False)
def to_grid(point)
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def to_grid(point): (x, y) = point x = int((y - MARGIN + GRID_SIZE * 0.5) / GRID_SIZE) y = int((x - MARGIN + GRID_SIZE * 0.5) / GRID_SIZE) print(point, "-->", (x, y)) return (x, y)
def to_screen(point)
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def to_screen(point): (gamex, gamey) = point x = gamex * GRID_SIZE + MARGIN y = (GRID_HEIGHT - gamey - 1) * GRID_SIZE + MARGIN return (x, y)
class GraphicsGridworldDisplay (gridworld, size=120, speed=1.0)
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class GraphicsGridworldDisplay(object): """ A GUI display for gridworld. """ def __init__(self, gridworld, size=120, speed=1.0): self.gridworld = gridworld self.size = size self.speed = speed def start(self): setup(self.gridworld, size=self.size) def pause(self): utils.wait_for_keys() def displayValues(self, agent, currentState = None, message = 'Agent Values'): values = {} policy = {} states = self.gridworld.getStates() for state in states: values[state] = agent.getValue(state) policy[state] = agent.getPolicy(state) drawValues(self.gridworld, values, policy, currentState, message) utils.sleep(0.05 / self.speed) def displayNullValues(self, currentState = None, message = ''): values = {} states = self.gridworld.getStates() for state in states: values[state] = 0.0 drawNullValues(self.gridworld, currentState, '') utils.sleep(0.05 / self.speed) def displayQValues(self, agent, currentState = None, message = 'Agent Q-Values'): qValues = {} states = self.gridworld.getStates() for state in states: for action in self.gridworld.getPossibleActions(state): qValues[(state, action)] = agent.getQValue(state, action) drawQValues(self.gridworld, qValues, currentState, message) utils.sleep(0.05 / self.speed)
A GUI display for gridworld.
def displayNullValues(self, currentState=None, message='')
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def displayNullValues(self, currentState = None, message = ''): values = {} states = self.gridworld.getStates() for state in states: values[state] = 0.0 drawNullValues(self.gridworld, currentState, '') utils.sleep(0.05 / self.speed)
def displayQValues(self, agent, currentState=None, message='Agent Q-Values')
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def displayQValues(self, agent, currentState = None, message = 'Agent Q-Values'): qValues = {} states = self.gridworld.getStates() for state in states: for action in self.gridworld.getPossibleActions(state): qValues[(state, action)] = agent.getQValue(state, action) drawQValues(self.gridworld, qValues, currentState, message) utils.sleep(0.05 / self.speed)
def displayValues(self, agent, currentState=None, message='Agent Values')
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def displayValues(self, agent, currentState = None, message = 'Agent Values'): values = {} policy = {} states = self.gridworld.getStates() for state in states: values[state] = agent.getValue(state) policy[state] = agent.getPolicy(state) drawValues(self.gridworld, values, policy, currentState, message) utils.sleep(0.05 / self.speed)
def pause(self)
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def pause(self): utils.wait_for_keys()
def start(self)
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def start(self): setup(self.gridworld, size=self.size)