Module pacai.ui.frame

A Frame is the base unit of a View. Frames hold all the information necessary to draw the game in whatever medium the view chooses.


class Frame (frame, state, turn)

A general representation of that can be seen on-screen at a given time. Frames are the basic units of the views.

Expand source code
class Frame(abc.ABC):
    A general representation of that can be seen on-screen at a given time.
    Frames are the basic units of the views.

    def __init__(self, frame, state, turn):
        self._frame = frame
        self._turn = turn

        self._boardHeight = state.getInitialLayout().getHeight()
        self._boardWidth = state.getInitialLayout().getWidth()

        # All items on the board are at integral potision.
        self._board = self._buildBoard(state)

        # Agents may not be at integral positions, so they are represented independently.
        self._agentTokens = self._getAgentTokens(state)

        # Highlight locations is on the lowest layer.
        self._highlightLocations = state.getHighlightLocations()
        if (self._highlightLocations is None):
            self._highlightLocations = []

        self._score = state.getScore()

    def getAgents(self):
        return self._agentTokens

    def getDiscreteAgents(self):
        Get the agentTokens, but with interger positions.

        agentTokens = {}

        for (position, agent) in self._agentTokens.items():
            agentTokens[util.nearestPoint(position)] = agent

        return agentTokens

    def getBoardHeight(self):
        return self._boardHeight

    def getImageHeight(self):
        # +1 for the score.
        return (self._boardHeight + 1) * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE

    def getImageWidth(self):
        return self._boardWidth * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE

    def getToken(self, x, y):
        return self._board[x][y]

    def getCol(self, x):
        return self._board[x]

    def getBoardWidth(self):
        return self._boardWidth

    def toImage(self, sprites = {}, font = None):
        # Height is +1 for the score.
        size = (
            self._boardWidth * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE,
            (self._boardHeight + 1) * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE

        image ='RGB', size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        # First, draw any highlights.
        for i in range(len(self._highlightLocations)):
            (x, y) = self._highlightLocations[i]
            startPoint = self._toImageCoords(x, y)
            endPoint = self._toImageCoords(x + 1, y - 1)

            intensity = int((i / len(self._highlightLocations)) * MAX_HIGHLIGHT_INTENSITY_RANGE)

            draw.rectangle([startPoint, endPoint], fill = (255, intensity, intensity))

        # Then, draw the board.
        for x in range(self._boardWidth):
            for y in range(self._boardHeight):
                if (self._board[x][y] != token.EMPTY_TOKEN):
                    self._placeToken(x, y, self._board[x][y], sprites, image, draw)

        # Finally, overlay the agents.
        for ((x, y), agentToken) in self._agentTokens.items():
            self._placeToken(x, y, agentToken, sprites, image, draw)

        # Draw score
        position = self._toImageCoords(SCORE_X_POSITION, SCORE_Y_POSITION)
        scoreText = "Score: %d" % (self._score)
        draw.text(position, scoreText, self._getTextColor(), font)

        return image

    def _buildBoard(self, state):
        board = self._boardWidth * [None]
        for x in range(self._boardWidth):

            items = self._boardHeight * [token.EMPTY_TOKEN]
            for y in range(self._boardHeight):
                if (state.hasWall(x, y)):
                    items[y] = self._getWallToken(x, y, state)
                elif (state.hasFood(x, y)):
                    items[y] = self._getFoodToken(x, y, state)
                elif (state.hasCapsule(x, y)):
                    items[y] = self._getCapsuleToken(x, y, state)

            board[x] = items

        return board

    def _getAgentBaseToken(self, x, y, agentIndex, state):

    def _getAgentTokens(self, state):
        Returns: {(x, y): token, ...}

        tokens = {}

        for agentIndex in range(state.getNumAgents()):
            agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex)
            position = agentState.getPosition()

            if (agentState.isScaredGhost()):
                tokens[position] = token.SCARED_GHOST_TOKEN
                agentBaseToken = self._getAgentBaseToken(*position, agentIndex, state)
                direction = agentState.getDirection()

                # agentToken = token.getAnimationToken(agentBaseToken, direction, self._turn)
                agentToken = token.getAnimationToken(agentBaseToken, direction, self._frame)

                tokens[position] = agentToken

        return tokens

    def _getCapsuleBaseToken(self, x, y, state):

    def _getCapsuleToken(self, x, y, state):
        return self._getCapsuleBaseToken(x, y, state) + token.CAPSULE_OFFSET

    def _getFoodBaseToken(self, x, y, state):

    def _getFoodToken(self, x, y, state):
        return self._getFoodBaseToken(x, y, state) + token.FOOD_OFFSET

    def _getTextColor(self):

    def _getWallBaseToken(self, x, y, state):

    def _getWallToken(self, x, y, state):
        hasWallN = False
        hasWallE = False
        hasWallS = False
        hasWallW = False

        baseToken = self._getWallBaseToken(x, y, state)

        if (y != self._boardHeight - 1):
            hasWallN = state.hasWall(x, y + 1)

        if (x != self._boardWidth - 1):
            hasWallE = state.hasWall(x + 1, y)

        if (y != 0):
            hasWallS = state.hasWall(x, y - 1)

        if (x != 0):
            hasWallW = state.hasWall(x - 1, y)

        return token.getWallToken(baseToken, hasWallN, hasWallE, hasWallS, hasWallW)

    def _placeToken(self, x, y, objectToken, sprites, image, draw):
        startPoint = self._toImageCoords(x, y)
        endPoint = self._toImageCoords(x + 1, y - 1)

        if (objectToken in sprites):
            image.paste(sprites[objectToken], startPoint, sprites[objectToken])
            color = self._tokenToColor(objectToken)
            draw.rectangle([startPoint, endPoint], fill = color)

    def _toImageCoords(self, x, y):
        # PIL has (0, 0) as the upper-left, while pacai has it as the lower-left.
        return (
            int(x * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE),
            int((self._boardHeight - 1 - y) * spritesheet.SQUARE_SIZE)

    def _tokenToColor(self, objectToken):
        if (objectToken == token.EMPTY_TOKEN):
            return (0, 0, 0)
        elif (objectToken == token.HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN):
            return (255, 0, 0)
        elif (token.isWall(objectToken)):
            return (0, 51, 255)
        elif (token.isFood(objectToken)):
            return (255, 255, 255)
        elif (token.isCapsule(objectToken)):
            return (255, 0, 255)
        elif (token.isGhost(objectToken)):
            return (229, 0, 0)
        elif (token.isPacman(objectToken)):
            return (255, 255, 61)
        elif (objectToken == token.SCARED_GHOST_TOKEN):
            return (0, 255, 0)
            return (0, 0, 0)


  • abc.ABC



def getAgents(self)
def getBoardHeight(self)
def getBoardWidth(self)
def getCol(self, x)
def getDiscreteAgents(self)

Get the agentTokens, but with interger positions.

def getImageHeight(self)
def getImageWidth(self)
def getToken(self, x, y)
def toImage(self, sprites={}, font=None)