Module pacai.student.analysis
Analysis question. Change these default values to obtain the specified policies through value iteration. If any question is not possible, return just the constant NOT_POSSIBLE:
def question2()
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def question2(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerDiscount = 0.9 answerNoise = 0.2 return answerDiscount, answerNoise
[Enter a description of what you did here.]
def question3a()
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def question3a(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerDiscount = 0.9 answerNoise = 0.2 answerLivingReward = 0.0 return answerDiscount, answerNoise, answerLivingReward
[Enter a description of what you did here.]
def question3b()
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def question3b(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerDiscount = 0.9 answerNoise = 0.2 answerLivingReward = 0.0 return answerDiscount, answerNoise, answerLivingReward
[Enter a description of what you did here.]
def question3c()
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def question3c(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerDiscount = 0.9 answerNoise = 0.2 answerLivingReward = 0.0 return answerDiscount, answerNoise, answerLivingReward
[Enter a description of what you did here.]
def question3d()
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def question3d(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerDiscount = 0.9 answerNoise = 0.2 answerLivingReward = 0.0 return answerDiscount, answerNoise, answerLivingReward
[Enter a description of what you did here.]
def question3e()
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def question3e(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerDiscount = 0.9 answerNoise = 0.2 answerLivingReward = 0.0 return answerDiscount, answerNoise, answerLivingReward
[Enter a description of what you did here.]
def question6()
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def question6(): """ [Enter a description of what you did here.] """ answerEpsilon = 0.3 answerLearningRate = 0.5 return answerEpsilon, answerLearningRate
[Enter a description of what you did here.]