Module pacai.core.layout
def getLayout(name, layout_dir='/home/runner/work/pacman/pacman/pacai/core/layouts', maxGhosts=None)
class Layout (layoutText, maxGhosts=None)
A Layout manages the static information about the game board.
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class Layout(object): """ A Layout manages the static information about the game board. """ def __init__(self, layoutText, maxGhosts = None): self.width = len(layoutText[0]) self.height = len(layoutText) self.walls = Grid(self.width, self.height, initialValue = False) = Grid(self.width, self.height, initialValue = False) self.capsules = [] self.agentPositions = [] self.numGhosts = 0 self.layoutText = layoutText self.processLayoutText(layoutText, maxGhosts) def getNumGhosts(self): return self.numGhosts def isWall(self, pos): x, col = pos return self.walls[x][col] def getHeight(self): return self.height def getWidth(self): return self.width def getRandomLegalPosition(self): x = random.choice(list(range(self.width))) y = random.choice(list(range(self.height))) while self.isWall((x, y)): x = random.choice(list(range(self.width))) y = random.choice(list(range(self.height))) return (x, y) def getRandomCorner(self): poses = [ (1, 1), (1, self.height - 2), (self.width - 2, 1), (self.width - 2, self.height - 2) ] return random.choice(poses) def getFurthestCorner(self, pacPos): poses = [ (1, 1), (1, self.height - 2), (self.width - 2, 1), (self.width - 2, self.height - 2) ] dist, pos = max([(manhattan(p, pacPos), p) for p in poses]) return pos def isVisibleFrom(self, ghostPos, pacPos, pacDirection): row, col = [int(x) for x in pacPos] return ghostPos in self.visibility[row][col][pacDirection] def __str__(self): return "\n".join(self.layoutText) def deepCopy(self): return Layout(self.layoutText[:]) def processLayoutText(self, layoutText, maxGhosts): """ Coordinates are flipped from the input format to the (x, y) convention here The shape of the maze. Each character represents a different type of object: ``` % - Wall . - Food o - Capsule G - Ghost P - Pacman ``` Other characters are ignored. """ maxY = self.height - 1 for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): layoutChar = layoutText[maxY - y][x] self.processLayoutChar(x, y, layoutChar, maxGhosts) self.agentPositions.sort() self.agentPositions = [(i == 0, pos) for i, pos in self.agentPositions] def processLayoutChar(self, x, y, layoutChar, maxGhosts): if (layoutChar == '%'): self.walls[x][y] = True elif (layoutChar == '.'):[x][y] = True elif (layoutChar == 'o'): self.capsules.append((x, y)) elif (layoutChar == 'P'): self.agentPositions.append((0, (x, y))) elif (layoutChar in ['G'] and (maxGhosts is None or self.numGhosts < maxGhosts)): self.agentPositions.append((1, (x, y))) self.numGhosts += 1 elif (layoutChar in GHOST_NUMS and (maxGhosts is None or self.numGhosts < maxGhosts)): self.agentPositions.append((int(layoutChar), (x, y))) self.numGhosts += 1
def deepCopy(self)
def getFurthestCorner(self, pacPos)
def getHeight(self)
def getNumGhosts(self)
def getRandomCorner(self)
def getRandomLegalPosition(self)
def getWidth(self)
def isVisibleFrom(self, ghostPos, pacPos, pacDirection)
def isWall(self, pos)
def processLayoutChar(self, x, y, layoutChar, maxGhosts)
def processLayoutText(self, layoutText, maxGhosts)
Coordinates are flipped from the input format to the (x, y) convention here
The shape of the maze. Each character represents a different type of object:
% - Wall . - Food o - Capsule G - Ghost P - Pacman
Other characters are ignored.