The core of a pacman-style game.
class Game (agents, display, rules, startingIndex=0, catchExceptions=False)
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class Game: """ The Game manages the control flow, soliciting actions from agents. """ def __init__(self, agents, display, rules, startingIndex = 0, catchExceptions = False): self.agentCrashed = False self.agents = agents self.display = display self.rules = rules self.startingIndex = startingIndex self.gameOver = False self.moveHistory = [] self.totalAgentTimes = [0 for agent in agents] self.totalAgentTimeWarnings = [0 for agent in agents] self.agentTimeout = False self.enforceTimeouts = catchExceptions self.catchExceptions = catchExceptions def run(self): """ Main control loop for game play. """ self.numMoves = 0 agentIndex = self.startingIndex numAgents = len(self.agents) self.display.initialize(self.state) if (not self._registerInitialState()): return False # Draw the initial frame. self.display.update(self.state) while (not self.gameOver): # Fetch the next agent agent = self.agents[agentIndex] action = None startTime = time.time() # Get an action from the agent. try: agent.observationFunction(self.state) action = agent.getAction(self.state) except Exception as ex: if (not self.catchExceptions): raise ex self._agentCrash(agentIndex, ex) return False timeTaken = time.time() - startTime self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex] += timeTaken if (self._checkForTimeouts(agentIndex, timeTaken)): return False # Execute the action. self.moveHistory.append((agentIndex, action)) try: self.state = self.state.generateSuccessor(agentIndex, action) except Exception as ex: if (not self.catchExceptions): raise ex self._agentCrash(agentIndex, ex) return False # Update the display. self.display.update(self.state) # Allow for game specific conditions (winning, losing, etc.). self.rules.process(self.state, self) # Track progress. if (agentIndex == numAgents + 1): self.numMoves += 1 # Next agent. agentIndex = (agentIndex + 1) % numAgents if (not self._registerFinalState()): return False self.display.finish() def _agentCrash(self, agentIndex, exception = None): """ Helper method for handling agent crashes. """ logging.warning('Agent %d crashedtimed out on a single move!' % agentIndex, exc_info = exception) self.gameOver = True self.agentCrashed = True self.rules.agentCrash(self, agentIndex) def _checkForTimeouts(self, agentIndex, timeTaken): """ Check if an agent timed out. Return: True if an agent times out. """ if (not self.enforceTimeouts): return False # Check for a single move timeout (results in an instant loss). moveTimeout = self.rules.getMoveTimeout(agentIndex) if (timeTaken > moveTimeout): logging.warning('Agent %d timed out on a single move!' % agentIndex) self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex) return True # Check for a timeout warning (you get a few of theses). moveWarningTime = self.rules.getMoveWarningTime(agentIndex) if (timeTaken > moveWarningTime): self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex] += 1 logging.warning('Agent %d took too long to move! This is warning %d' % (agentIndex, self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex])) maxTimeouts = self.rules.getMaxTimeWarnings(agentIndex) if (self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex] > maxTimeouts): logging.warning('Agent %d exceeded the maximum number of warnings: %d' % (agentIndex, self.totalAgentTimeWarnings[agentIndex])) self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex) return True # Check if the agent has used too much time overall. maxTotalTime = self.rules.getMaxTotalAgentTime(agentIndex) if (self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex] > maxTotalTime): logging.warning('Agent %d ran out of time! (time: %1.2f)' % (agentIndex, self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex])) self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex) return True return False def _registerInitialState(self): """ Inform agents of the game start. """ for agentIndex in range(len(self.agents)): agent = self.agents[agentIndex] if (not agent): # this is a null agent, meaning it failed to load the other team wins. self._agentCrash(agentIndex) return False maxStartupTime = float(self.rules.getMaxStartupTime(agentIndex)) startTime = time.time() try: agent.registerInitialState(self.state) except Exception as ex: if (not self.catchExceptions): raise ex self._agentCrash(agentIndex, ex) return False timeTaken = time.time() - startTime self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex] += timeTaken if (self.enforceTimeouts and timeTaken > maxStartupTime): logging.warning('Agent %d ran out of time on startup!' % agentIndex) self.agentTimeout = True self._agentCrash(agentIndex) return False return True def _registerFinalState(self): # Inform a learning agent of the game's result. for agent in self.agents: try: except Exception as ex: if (not self.catchExceptions): raise ex self._agentCrash(agent.index, ex) return False return True
The Game manages the control flow, soliciting actions from agents.
def run(self)
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def run(self): """ Main control loop for game play. """ self.numMoves = 0 agentIndex = self.startingIndex numAgents = len(self.agents) self.display.initialize(self.state) if (not self._registerInitialState()): return False # Draw the initial frame. self.display.update(self.state) while (not self.gameOver): # Fetch the next agent agent = self.agents[agentIndex] action = None startTime = time.time() # Get an action from the agent. try: agent.observationFunction(self.state) action = agent.getAction(self.state) except Exception as ex: if (not self.catchExceptions): raise ex self._agentCrash(agentIndex, ex) return False timeTaken = time.time() - startTime self.totalAgentTimes[agentIndex] += timeTaken if (self._checkForTimeouts(agentIndex, timeTaken)): return False # Execute the action. self.moveHistory.append((agentIndex, action)) try: self.state = self.state.generateSuccessor(agentIndex, action) except Exception as ex: if (not self.catchExceptions): raise ex self._agentCrash(agentIndex, ex) return False # Update the display. self.display.update(self.state) # Allow for game specific conditions (winning, losing, etc.). self.rules.process(self.state, self) # Track progress. if (agentIndex == numAgents + 1): self.numMoves += 1 # Next agent. agentIndex = (agentIndex + 1) % numAgents if (not self._registerFinalState()): return False self.display.finish()
Main control loop for game play.