Module pacai.core.environment


class Environment

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class Environment(abc.ABC):
    def getCurrentState(self):
        Returns the current state of enviornment.


    def getPossibleActions(self, state):
        Returns possible actions the agent can take in the given state.
        Can return the empty list if we are in a terminal state.


    def doAction(self, action):
        Performs the given action in the current
        environment state and updates the enviornment.

        Returns a (reward, nextState) pair.


    def reset(self):
        Resets the current state to the start state.


    def isTerminal(self):
        Has the enviornment entered a terminal state?
        This means there are no successors.

        state = self.getCurrentState()
        actions = self.getPossibleActions(state)

        return len(actions) == 0


  • abc.ABC



def doAction(self, action)

Performs the given action in the current environment state and updates the enviornment.

Returns a (reward, nextState) pair.

def getCurrentState(self)

Returns the current state of enviornment.

def getPossibleActions(self, state)

Returns possible actions the agent can take in the given state. Can return the empty list if we are in a terminal state.

def isTerminal(self)

Has the enviornment entered a terminal state? This means there are no successors.

def reset(self)

Resets the current state to the start state.