Module pacai.core.distanceCalculator


def computeDistances(layout)
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def computeDistances(layout):
    Runs UCS to all other positions from each position.

    distances = {}
    allNodes = layout.walls.asList(False)

    for source in allNodes:
        dist = {}
        closed = {}

        for node in allNodes:
            dist[node] = sys.maxsize

        queue = priorityQueue.PriorityQueue()
        queue.push(source, 0)
        dist[source] = 0

        while not queue.isEmpty():
            node = queue.pop()
            if node in closed:

            closed[node] = True
            nodeDist = dist[node]
            adjacent = []
            x, y = node

            if not layout.isWall((x, y + 1)):
                adjacent.append((x, y + 1))

            if not layout.isWall((x, y - 1)):
                adjacent.append((x, y - 1))

            if not layout.isWall((x + 1, y)):
                adjacent.append((x + 1, y))

            if not layout.isWall((x - 1, y)):
                adjacent.append((x - 1, y))

            for other in adjacent:
                if other not in dist:

                oldDist = dist[other]
                newDist = nodeDist + 1
                if newDist < oldDist:
                    dist[other] = newDist
                    queue.push(other, newDist)

        for target in allNodes:
            distances[(target, source)] = dist[target]

    return distances

Runs UCS to all other positions from each position.

def getDistanceOnGrid(distances, pos1, pos2)
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def getDistanceOnGrid(distances, pos1, pos2):
    key = (pos1, pos2)
    if key in distances:
        return distances[key]

def getGrids1D(x)
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def getGrids1D(x):
    intX = int(x)
    if x == int(x):
        return [(x, 0)]
    return [(intX, x - intX), (intX + 1, intX + 1 - x)]
def getGrids2D(pos)
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def getGrids2D(pos):
    grids = []
    for x, xDistance in getGrids1D(pos[0]):
        for y, yDistance in getGrids1D(pos[1]):
            grids.append(((x, y), xDistance + yDistance))
    return grids
def isInt(pos)
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def isInt(pos):
    x, y = pos
    return x == int(x) and y == int(y)


class DistanceCalculator (layout, distancer)
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class DistanceCalculator:
    def __init__(self, layout, distancer):
        self.layout = layout
        self.distancer = distancer
        self.cache = {}

    def run(self):
        if self.layout.walls not in self.cache:
            self.cache[self.layout.walls] = computeDistances(self.layout)

        self.distancer._distances = self.cache[self.layout.walls]


def run(self)
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def run(self):
    if self.layout.walls not in self.cache:
        self.cache[self.layout.walls] = computeDistances(self.layout)

    self.distancer._distances = self.cache[self.layout.walls]
class Distancer (layout)
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class Distancer(object):
    A class for computing and caching the shortest path between any two points in a given maze.

    distancer = Distancer(gameState.getInitialLayout())
    distancer.getDistance((1, 1), (10, 10))

    def __init__(self, layout):
        self._distances = None
        self.dc = DistanceCalculator(layout, self)

    def getMazeDistances(self):

    def getDistance(self, pos1, pos2):
        The only function you will need after you create the object.

        if (self._distances is None):
            return manhattan(pos1, pos2)

        if isInt(pos1) and isInt(pos2):
            return self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1, pos2)

        pos1Grids = getGrids2D(pos1)
        pos2Grids = getGrids2D(pos2)
        bestDistance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE

        for pos1Snap, snap1Distance in pos1Grids:
            for pos2Snap, snap2Distance in pos2Grids:
                gridDistance = self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1Snap, pos2Snap)
                distance = gridDistance + snap1Distance + snap2Distance
                if bestDistance > distance:
                    bestDistance = distance

        return bestDistance

    def getDistanceOnGrid(self, pos1, pos2):
        key = (pos1, pos2)
        if key in self._distances:
            return self._distances[key]

        raise Exception("Position not in grid: " + str(key))

    def isReadyForMazeDistance(self):
        return (self._distances is not None)

A class for computing and caching the shortest path between any two points in a given maze.


distancer = Distancer(gameState.getInitialLayout())
distancer.getDistance((1, 1), (10, 10))


def getDistance(self, pos1, pos2)
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def getDistance(self, pos1, pos2):
    The only function you will need after you create the object.

    if (self._distances is None):
        return manhattan(pos1, pos2)

    if isInt(pos1) and isInt(pos2):
        return self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1, pos2)

    pos1Grids = getGrids2D(pos1)
    pos2Grids = getGrids2D(pos2)
    bestDistance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE

    for pos1Snap, snap1Distance in pos1Grids:
        for pos2Snap, snap2Distance in pos2Grids:
            gridDistance = self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1Snap, pos2Snap)
            distance = gridDistance + snap1Distance + snap2Distance
            if bestDistance > distance:
                bestDistance = distance

    return bestDistance

The only function you will need after you create the object.

def getDistanceOnGrid(self, pos1, pos2)
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def getDistanceOnGrid(self, pos1, pos2):
    key = (pos1, pos2)
    if key in self._distances:
        return self._distances[key]

    raise Exception("Position not in grid: " + str(key))
def getMazeDistances(self)
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def getMazeDistances(self):
def isReadyForMazeDistance(self)
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def isReadyForMazeDistance(self):
    return (self._distances is not None)