Module pacai.bin.capture
Capture is a variant of pacman where two teams face off. The goal is to eat more food than your opponent. On your side of the map, you are a ghost and can eat pacmen. On your opponents side of the map, you are a pacman and can eat food and capsules.
def loadAgents(isRed, agentModule, textgraphics, args)
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def loadAgents(isRed, agentModule, textgraphics, args): """ Calls agent factories and returns lists of agents. """ createTeamFunctionPath = agentModule + '.createTeam' createTeamFunction = reflection.qualifiedImport(createTeamFunctionPath)'Loading Team: %s', agentModule)'Arguments: %s', args) indexAddend = 0 if (not isRed): indexAddend = 1 indices = [2 * i + indexAddend for i in range(2)] return createTeamFunction(indices[0], indices[1], isRed, **args)
Calls agent factories and returns lists of agents.
def main(argv)
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def main(argv): """ Entry point for a capture game. The args are a blind pass of `sys.argv` with the executable stripped. """ initLogging() # Get game components based on input options = readCommand(argv) # Special case: recorded games don't use the runGames method. if (options['replay'] is not None):'Replaying recorded game %s.' % options['replay']) recorded = None with open(options['replay'], 'rb') as file: recorded = pickle.load(file) recorded['display'] = options['display'] replayGame(**recorded) return return runGames(**options)
Entry point for a capture game. The args are a blind pass of
with the executable stripped. def parseAgentArgs(str)
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def parseAgentArgs(str): if (str is None or str == ''): return {} pieces = str.split(',') opts = {} for p in pieces: if '=' in p: key, val = p.split('=') else: key, val = p, 1 opts[key] = val return opts
def readCommand(argv)
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def readCommand(argv): """ Processes the command used to run capture from the command line. """ description = """ DESCRIPTION: This program will run a capture game. Two teams of pacman agents are pitted against one another in a capture the flag style game. Collect the most pellets to win! EXAMPLES: (1) python -m pacai.bin.capture - Starts a game with two baseline agents. (2) python -m pacai.bin.capture --keys0 - Starts an interactive game where the arrow keys control agent 0 and all other agents are baseline agents. (3) python -m -r pacai.core.baselineTeam -b pacai.student.myTeam - Starts an automated game where the red team is a baseline team and blue team is pacai.student.myTeam. """ parser = getParser(description, os.path.basename(__file__)) parser.add_argument('-b', '--blue', dest = 'blue', action = 'store', type = str, default = 'pacai.core.baselineTeam', help = 'set blue team (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--layout', dest = 'layout', action = 'store', type = str, default = 'defaultCapture', help = 'use the specified map layout or input RANDOM<seed> ' + 'for a random seeded map (i.e. RANDOM23) (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-r', '--red', dest = 'red', action = 'store', type = str, default = 'pacai.core.baselineTeam', help = 'set red team (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--blue-args', dest = 'blueArgs', action = 'store', type = str, default = None, help = 'comma separated arguments to be passed to blue team (e.g. \'opt1=val1,opt2\') ' + '(default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--keys0', dest = 'keys0', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'make agent 0 (first red player) a keyboard agent (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--keys1', dest = 'keys1', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'make agent 1 (first blue player) a keyboard agent (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--keys2', dest = 'keys2', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'make agent 2 (second red player) a keyboard agent (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--keys3', dest = 'keys3', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'make agent 3 (second blue player) a keyboard agent (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--max-moves', dest = 'maxMoves', action = 'store', type = int, default = DEFAULT_MAX_MOVES, help = 'set maximum number of moves between all agents in a game (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--red-args', dest = 'redArgs', action = 'store', type = str, default = None, help = 'comma separated arguments to be passed to red team (e.g. \'opt1=val1,opt2\') ' + '(default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--max-total-agent-time', dest = 'maxTotalAgentTimeSecs', action = 'store', type = float, default = DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_AGENT_TIME_SECS, help = 'set maximum number of seconds a game can run (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--max-startup-time', dest = 'maxStartupTimeSecs', action = 'store', type = float, default = DEFAULT_MAX_STARTUP_TIME_SECS, help = 'set maximum number of seconds allowed for registerInitialState() (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--move-warning-time', dest = 'moveWarningTimeSecs', action = 'store', type = float, default = DEFAULT_MOVE_WARNING_TIME_SECS, help = 'set maximum number of seconds an agent can take on a move before a warning is issued (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--move-timeout-time', dest = 'moveTimeoutTimeSecs', action = 'store', type = float, default = DEFAULT_MOVE_TIMEOUT_TIME_SECS, help = 'set maximum number of seconds an agent can take on a move before forfeiting (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--max-move-warnings', dest = 'maxMoveWarnings', action = 'store', type = int, default = DEFAULT_MAX_MOVE_WARNINGS, help = 'set maximum number of warnings issued to an agent before that agent is disqualified (default: %(default)s)') options, otherjunk = parser.parse_known_args(argv) args = dict() if len(otherjunk) != 0: raise ValueError('Unrecognized options: \'%s\'.' % (str(otherjunk))) # Set the logging level. if options.quiet and options.debug: raise ValueError('Logging cannont be set to both debug and quiet.') if options.quiet: updateLoggingLevel(logging.WARNING) elif options.debug: updateLoggingLevel(logging.DEBUG) viewOptions = { 'gifFPS': options.gifFPS, 'gifPath': options.gif, 'skipFrames': options.gifSkipFrames, 'spritesPath': options.spritesPath, } # Choose a display format. if options.textGraphics: args['display'] = CaptureTextView(**viewOptions) elif options.nullGraphics: args['display'] = CaptureNullView(**viewOptions) else: # Defer importing the GUI unless we actually need it. # This allows people to not have tkinter installed. from pacai.ui.capture.gui import CaptureGUIView args['display'] = CaptureGUIView(fps = options.fps, title = 'Capture', **viewOptions) args['redTeamName'] = args['blueTeamName'] = # If no seed entry generate a random seed value. seed = options.seed if seed is None: seed = random.randint(0, 2**32) random.seed(seed) logging.debug('Seed value: ' + str(seed)) # Choose a pacman agent. redArgs = parseAgentArgs(options.redArgs) blueArgs = parseAgentArgs(options.blueArgs) if options.numTraining > 0: redArgs['numTraining'] = options.numTraining blueArgs['numTraining'] = options.numTraining nokeyboard = options.textGraphics or options.nullGraphics or options.numTraining > 0 logging.debug('\nRed team %s with %s:' % (, redArgs)) redAgents = loadAgents(True,, nokeyboard, redArgs) logging.debug('\nBlue team %s with %s:' % (, blueArgs)) blueAgents = loadAgents(False,, nokeyboard, blueArgs) args['agents'] = sum([list(el) for el in zip(redAgents, blueAgents)], []) # List of agents. numKeyboardAgents = 0 for index, val in enumerate([options.keys0, options.keys1, options.keys2, options.keys3]): if (not val): continue if (numKeyboardAgents == 0): agent = keyboard.WASDKeyboardAgent(index, keyboard = args['display'].getKeyboard()) elif (numKeyboardAgents == 1): agent = keyboard.IJKLKeyboardAgent(index, keyboard = args['display'].getKeyboard()) else: raise ValueError('Max of two keyboard agents supported.') numKeyboardAgents += 1 args['agents'][index] = agent # Choose a layout. if options.layout.startswith('RANDOM'): layoutSeed = None if (options.layout != 'RANDOM'): layoutSeed = int(options.layout[6:]) args['layout'] = Layout(generateMaze(layoutSeed).split('\n')) elif options.layout.lower().find('capture') == -1: raise ValueError('You must use a capture layout with') else: args['layout'] = getLayout(options.layout) if (args['layout'] is None): raise ValueError('The layout ' + options.layout + ' cannot be found.') args['length'] = options.maxMoves args['numGames'] = options.numGames args['numTraining'] = options.numTraining args['record'] = options.record args['catchExceptions'] = options.catchExceptions args['replay'] = options.replay args['maxTotalAgentTimeSecs'] = options.maxTotalAgentTimeSecs args['maxStartupTimeSecs'] = options.maxStartupTimeSecs args['moveWarningTimeSecs'] = options.moveWarningTimeSecs args['moveTimeoutTimeSecs'] = options.moveTimeoutTimeSecs args['maxMoveWarnings'] = options.maxMoveWarnings return args
Processes the command used to run capture from the command line.
def replayGame(layout, agents, actions, display, length, redTeamName, blueTeamName, **kwargs)
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def replayGame(layout, agents, actions, display, length, redTeamName, blueTeamName, **kwargs): agents = [DummyAgent(index) for index in range(len(agents))] rules = CaptureRules() game = rules.newGame(layout, agents, display, length, False, **kwargs) state = game.state display.redTeam = redTeamName display.blueTeam = blueTeamName display.initialize(state) for action in actions: # Execute the action state = state.generateSuccessor(*action) # Change the display display.update(state) # Allow for game specific conditions (winning, losing, etc.) rules.process(state, game) display.finish()
def runGames(layout,
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def runGames(layout, agents, display, length, numGames, record, numTraining, redTeamName, blueTeamName, catchExceptions = False, **kwargs): rules = CaptureRules() games = [] nullView = None if (numTraining > 0):'Playing %d training games.' % numTraining) nullView = CaptureNullView() for i in range(numGames): isTraining = (i < numTraining) if (isTraining): # Suppress graphics for training. gameDisplay = nullView else: gameDisplay = display g = rules.newGame(layout, agents, gameDisplay, length, catchExceptions, **kwargs) if (not isTraining): games.append(g) g.record = None if record: components = { 'layout': layout, 'agents': [agent.__class__.__name__ for agent in agents], 'actions': g.moveHistory, 'length': length, 'redTeamName': redTeamName, 'blueTeamName': blueTeamName } path = 'replay' if (isinstance(record, str)): path = record g.record = pickle.dumps(components) with open(path, 'wb') as file: file.write(g.record)"Game recorded to: '%s'." % (path)) if (numGames > 0): scores = [game.state.getScore() for game in games] redWinRate = [s > 0 for s in scores].count(True) / float(len(scores)) blueWinRate = [s < 0 for s in scores].count(True) / float(len(scores))'Average Score:%s', sum(scores) / float(len(scores)))'Scores:%s', ', '.join([str(score) for score in scores]))'Red Win Rate: %d/%d (%.2f)' % ([s > 0 for s in scores].count(True), len(scores), redWinRate))'Blue Win Rate: %d/%d (%.2f)' % ([s < 0 for s in scores].count(True), len(scores), blueWinRate))'Record: %s', ', '.join([('Blue', 'Tie', 'Red')[max(0, min(2, 1 + s))] for s in scores])) return games
class AgentRules
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class AgentRules: """ These functions govern how each agent interacts with her environment. """ AGENT_SPEED = 1.0 @staticmethod def getLegalActions(state, agentIndex): """ Returns a list of possible actions. """ agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex) return Actions.getPossibleActions(agentState.getPosition(), agentState.getDirection(), state.getWalls()) @staticmethod def applyAction(state, action, agentIndex): """ Edits the state to reflect the results of the action. """ legal = AgentRules.getLegalActions(state, agentIndex) if (action not in legal): raise ValueError('Illegal action: ' + str(action)) agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex) # Update position. vector = Actions.directionToVector(action, AgentRules.AGENT_SPEED) agentState.updatePosition(vector) # Eat. nextPosition = agentState.getPosition() nearest = nearestPoint(nextPosition) if (agentState.isPacman() and manhattan(nearest, nextPosition) <= 0.9): AgentRules.consume(nearest, state, state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)) # Potentially change agent type. if (nextPosition == nearest): # Agents are pacmen when they are not on their own side. position = agentState.getPosition() agentState.setIsPacman(state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex) != state.isOnRedSide(position)) @staticmethod def consume(position, state, isRed): """ There is an agent of the specified team on the given position. If there is anything they can eat, do it. Note that the consuming agent is guarenteed to be in pacman form (not ghost form). """ x, y = position # Eat food. if (state.hasFood(x, y)): state.eatFood(x, y) if (isRed): state.addScore(FOOD_POINTS) else: state.addScore(-FOOD_POINTS) if ((isRed and state.getBlueFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD) or (not isRed and state.getRedFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD)): state.endGame(True) return # Eat a capsule. if (isRed): myCapsules = state.getBlueCapsules() else: myCapsules = state.getRedCapsules() if (position in myCapsules): state.eatCapsule(x, y) # Reset ghosts' scared timers. if (isRed): otherTeam = state.getBlueTeamIndices() else: otherTeam = state.getRedTeamIndices() for agentIndex in otherTeam: state.getAgentState(agentIndex).setScaredTimer(SCARED_TIME) @staticmethod def decrementTimer(agentState): if (not agentState.isScared()): return agentState.decrementScaredTimer() if (not agentState.isScared()): # If the ghost is done being scared, snap it to the closest point. agentState.snapToNearestPoint() @staticmethod def checkDeath(state, agentIndex): agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex) if (state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)): teamPointModifier = 1 otherTeam = state.getBlueTeamIndices() else: teamPointModifier = -1 otherTeam = state.getRedTeamIndices() for otherAgentIndex in otherTeam: otherAgentState = state.getAgentState(otherAgentIndex) # Ignore agents with a matching type (e.g. two ghosts). if (agentState.isPacman() == otherAgentState.isPacman()): continue otherPosition = otherAgentState.getPosition() # Ignore other agents that are too far away. if (otherPosition is None or manhattan(otherPosition, agentState.getPosition()) > COLLISION_TOLERANCE): continue # If we are a brave ghost or they are a scared ghost, then we will eat them. # Otherwise, we are being eatten. if (agentState.isBraveGhost() or otherAgentState.isScaredGhost()): state.addScore(teamPointModifier * KILL_POINTS) otherAgentState.respawn() else: state.addScore(teamPointModifier * -KILL_POINTS) agentState.respawn()
These functions govern how each agent interacts with her environment.
Class variables
Static methods
def applyAction(state, action, agentIndex)
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@staticmethod def applyAction(state, action, agentIndex): """ Edits the state to reflect the results of the action. """ legal = AgentRules.getLegalActions(state, agentIndex) if (action not in legal): raise ValueError('Illegal action: ' + str(action)) agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex) # Update position. vector = Actions.directionToVector(action, AgentRules.AGENT_SPEED) agentState.updatePosition(vector) # Eat. nextPosition = agentState.getPosition() nearest = nearestPoint(nextPosition) if (agentState.isPacman() and manhattan(nearest, nextPosition) <= 0.9): AgentRules.consume(nearest, state, state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)) # Potentially change agent type. if (nextPosition == nearest): # Agents are pacmen when they are not on their own side. position = agentState.getPosition() agentState.setIsPacman(state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex) != state.isOnRedSide(position))
Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
def checkDeath(state, agentIndex)
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@staticmethod def checkDeath(state, agentIndex): agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex) if (state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)): teamPointModifier = 1 otherTeam = state.getBlueTeamIndices() else: teamPointModifier = -1 otherTeam = state.getRedTeamIndices() for otherAgentIndex in otherTeam: otherAgentState = state.getAgentState(otherAgentIndex) # Ignore agents with a matching type (e.g. two ghosts). if (agentState.isPacman() == otherAgentState.isPacman()): continue otherPosition = otherAgentState.getPosition() # Ignore other agents that are too far away. if (otherPosition is None or manhattan(otherPosition, agentState.getPosition()) > COLLISION_TOLERANCE): continue # If we are a brave ghost or they are a scared ghost, then we will eat them. # Otherwise, we are being eatten. if (agentState.isBraveGhost() or otherAgentState.isScaredGhost()): state.addScore(teamPointModifier * KILL_POINTS) otherAgentState.respawn() else: state.addScore(teamPointModifier * -KILL_POINTS) agentState.respawn()
def consume(position, state, isRed)
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@staticmethod def consume(position, state, isRed): """ There is an agent of the specified team on the given position. If there is anything they can eat, do it. Note that the consuming agent is guarenteed to be in pacman form (not ghost form). """ x, y = position # Eat food. if (state.hasFood(x, y)): state.eatFood(x, y) if (isRed): state.addScore(FOOD_POINTS) else: state.addScore(-FOOD_POINTS) if ((isRed and state.getBlueFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD) or (not isRed and state.getRedFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD)): state.endGame(True) return # Eat a capsule. if (isRed): myCapsules = state.getBlueCapsules() else: myCapsules = state.getRedCapsules() if (position in myCapsules): state.eatCapsule(x, y) # Reset ghosts' scared timers. if (isRed): otherTeam = state.getBlueTeamIndices() else: otherTeam = state.getRedTeamIndices() for agentIndex in otherTeam: state.getAgentState(agentIndex).setScaredTimer(SCARED_TIME)
There is an agent of the specified team on the given position. If there is anything they can eat, do it. Note that the consuming agent is guarenteed to be in pacman form (not ghost form).
def decrementTimer(agentState)
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@staticmethod def decrementTimer(agentState): if (not agentState.isScared()): return agentState.decrementScaredTimer() if (not agentState.isScared()): # If the ghost is done being scared, snap it to the closest point. agentState.snapToNearestPoint()
def getLegalActions(state, agentIndex)
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@staticmethod def getLegalActions(state, agentIndex): """ Returns a list of possible actions. """ agentState = state.getAgentState(agentIndex) return Actions.getPossibleActions(agentState.getPosition(), agentState.getDirection(), state.getWalls())
Returns a list of possible actions.
class CaptureGameState (layout, timeleft)
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class CaptureGameState(AbstractGameState): """ A game state specific to capture. """ def __init__(self, layout, timeleft): super().__init__(layout) self._timeleft = timeleft # The index of agents on each team. self._blueTeam = [] self._redTeam = [] # Matches indexes with getAgentStates(). # True if the agent is on the red team, false otherwise. self._teams = [] for agentIndex in range(self.getNumAgents()): agentState = self.getAgentState(agentIndex) agentIsRed = self.isOnRedSide(agentState.getPosition()) self._teams.append(agentIsRed) if (agentIsRed): self._redTeam.append(agentIndex) else: self._blueTeam.append(agentIndex) # Build some denormalized structures for fast access. self._redCapsules = [] self._blueCapsules = [] for capsule in self.getCapsules(): if (self.isOnRedSide(capsule)): self._redCapsules.append(capsule) else: self._blueCapsules.append(capsule) self._redFood = Grid(self._food.getWidth(), self._food.getHeight(), initialValue = False) self._blueFood = Grid(self._food.getWidth(), self._food.getHeight(), initialValue = False) for x in range(self._food.getWidth()): for y in range(self._food.getHeight()): if (not self._food[x][y]): continue if (self.isOnRedSide((x, y))): self._redFood[x][y] = True else: self._blueFood[x][y] = True # Override def generateSuccessor(self, agentIndex, action): # Check that successors exist. if (self.isOver()): raise RuntimeError("Can't generate successors of a terminal state.") successor = self._initSuccessor() successor._applySuccessorAction(agentIndex, action) return successor # Override def getLegalActions(self, agentIndex = 0): if (self.isOver()): return [] return AgentRules.getLegalActions(self, agentIndex) # Override def eatCapsule(self, x, y): if (not self._capsulesCopied): self._redCapsules = self._redCapsules.copy() self._blueCapsules = self._blueCapsules.copy() super().eatCapsule(x, y) if (self.isOnRedSide((x, y))): self._redCapsules.remove((x, y)) else: self._blueCapsules.remove((x, y)) # Override def eatFood(self, x, y): if (not self._foodCopied): self._redFood = self._redFood.copy() self._blueFood = self._blueFood.copy() super().eatFood(x, y) if (self.isOnRedSide((x, y))): self._redFood[x][y] = False else: self._blueFood[x][y] = False def getBlueCapsules(self): """ Get a list of remaining capsules on the blue side. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._blueCapsules def getBlueFood(self): """ Returns a grid of food that corresponds to the food on the blue team's side. For the grid g, g[x][y] = True if there is food in (x, y) that belongs to blue (meaning blue is protecting it, red is trying to eat it). The caller should not modify the grid. """ return self._blueFood def getBlueTeamIndices(self): """ Returns a list of the agent index numbers for the agents on the blue team. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._blueTeam def getRedCapsules(self): """ Get a list of remaining capsules on the red side. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._redCapsules def getRedFood(self): """ Returns a grid of food that corresponds to the food on the red team's side. For the grid g, g[x][y] = True if there is food in (x, y) that belongs to red (meaning red is protecting it, blue is trying to eat it). The caller should not modify the grid. """ return self._redFood def getRedTeamIndices(self): """ Returns a list of agent index numbers for the agents on the red team. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._redTeam def getTimeleft(self): return self._timeleft def isOnBlueSide(self, position): """ Check the position see if it is on the blue side. Note that this is not checking if a position/agent is on the blue TEAM, just the blue side of the board. Red is on the left side, blue on the right. """ return not self.isOnRedSide(position) def isOnBlueTeam(self, agentIndex): """ Returns true if the agent with the given agentIndex is on the red team. """ return not self.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex) def isOnRedSide(self, position): """ Check the position see if it is on the red side. Note that this is not checking if a position/agent is on the red TEAM, just the red side of the board. Red is on the left side, blue on the right. """ return position[0] < int(self._layout.width / 2) def isOnRedTeam(self, agentIndex): """ Returns true if the agent with the given agentIndex is on the red team. """ return self._teams[agentIndex] def _applySuccessorAction(self, agentIndex, action): """ Apply the action to the context state (self). """ # Find appropriate rules for the agent. AgentRules.applyAction(self, action, agentIndex) AgentRules.checkDeath(self, agentIndex) AgentRules.decrementTimer(self.getAgentState(agentIndex)) # Book keeping. self._lastAgentMoved = agentIndex self._timeleft -= 1 self._hash = None
A game state specific to capture.
- AbstractGameState
- abc.ABC
def eatCapsule(self, x, y)
Inherited from:
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def eatCapsule(self, x, y): if (not self._capsulesCopied): self._redCapsules = self._redCapsules.copy() self._blueCapsules = self._blueCapsules.copy() super().eatCapsule(x, y) if (self.isOnRedSide((x, y))): self._redCapsules.remove((x, y)) else: self._blueCapsules.remove((x, y))
Mark the capsule at the given location as eaten.
def eatFood(self, x, y)
Inherited from:
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def eatFood(self, x, y): if (not self._foodCopied): self._redFood = self._redFood.copy() self._blueFood = self._blueFood.copy() super().eatFood(x, y) if (self.isOnRedSide((x, y))): self._redFood[x][y] = False else: self._blueFood[x][y] = False
Mark the food at the given location as eaten.
def generateSuccessor(self, agentIndex, action)
Inherited from:
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def generateSuccessor(self, agentIndex, action): # Check that successors exist. if (self.isOver()): raise RuntimeError("Can't generate successors of a terminal state.") successor = self._initSuccessor() successor._applySuccessorAction(agentIndex, action) return successor
Returns the successor state after the specified agent takes the action. Treat the returned state as a SHALLOW copy that has been modified.
def getAgentPosition(self, index)
Inherited from:
Returns a location tuple of the agent with the given index. It is possible for this method to return None if the agent's position is unknown (like if …
def getBlueCapsules(self)
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def getBlueCapsules(self): """ Get a list of remaining capsules on the blue side. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._blueCapsules
Get a list of remaining capsules on the blue side. The caller should not modify the list.
def getBlueFood(self)
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def getBlueFood(self): """ Returns a grid of food that corresponds to the food on the blue team's side. For the grid g, g[x][y] = True if there is food in (x, y) that belongs to blue (meaning blue is protecting it, red is trying to eat it). The caller should not modify the grid. """ return self._blueFood
Returns a grid of food that corresponds to the food on the blue team's side. For the grid g, g[x][y] = True if there is food in (x, y) that belongs to blue (meaning blue is protecting it, red is trying to eat it). The caller should not modify the grid.
def getBlueTeamIndices(self)
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def getBlueTeamIndices(self): """ Returns a list of the agent index numbers for the agents on the blue team. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._blueTeam
Returns a list of the agent index numbers for the agents on the blue team. The caller should not modify the list.
def getCapsules(self)
Inherited from:
Returns a list of positions (x, y) of the remaining capsules.
def getFood(self)
Inherited from:
Returns a Grid of boolean food indicator variables …
def getInitialLayout(self)
Inherited from:
Get the initial layout this state starte with. User's should typically call one of the more detailed methods directly, e.g. getWalls().
def getLegalActions(self, agentIndex=0)
Inherited from:
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def getLegalActions(self, agentIndex = 0): if (self.isOver()): return [] return AgentRules.getLegalActions(self, agentIndex)
Gets the legal actions for the agent specified.
def getNumCapsules(self)
Inherited from:
Get the amount of capsules left on the board.
def getNumFood(self)
Inherited from:
Get the amount of food left on the board.
def getRedCapsules(self)
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def getRedCapsules(self): """ Get a list of remaining capsules on the red side. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._redCapsules
Get a list of remaining capsules on the red side. The caller should not modify the list.
def getRedFood(self)
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def getRedFood(self): """ Returns a grid of food that corresponds to the food on the red team's side. For the grid g, g[x][y] = True if there is food in (x, y) that belongs to red (meaning red is protecting it, blue is trying to eat it). The caller should not modify the grid. """ return self._redFood
Returns a grid of food that corresponds to the food on the red team's side. For the grid g, g[x][y] = True if there is food in (x, y) that belongs to red (meaning red is protecting it, blue is trying to eat it). The caller should not modify the grid.
def getRedTeamIndices(self)
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def getRedTeamIndices(self): """ Returns a list of agent index numbers for the agents on the red team. The caller should not modify the list. """ return self._redTeam
Returns a list of agent index numbers for the agents on the red team. The caller should not modify the list.
def getTimeleft(self)
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def getTimeleft(self): return self._timeleft
def getWalls(self)
Inherited from:
Returns a Grid of boolean wall indicator variables …
def hasCapsule(self, x, y)
Inherited from:
Returns true if the location (x, y) has a capsule.
def hasFood(self, x, y)
Inherited from:
Returns true if the location (x, y) has food.
def hasWall(self, x, y)
Inherited from:
Returns true if (x, y) has a wall, false otherwise.
def isOnBlueSide(self, position)
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def isOnBlueSide(self, position): """ Check the position see if it is on the blue side. Note that this is not checking if a position/agent is on the blue TEAM, just the blue side of the board. Red is on the left side, blue on the right. """ return not self.isOnRedSide(position)
Check the position see if it is on the blue side. Note that this is not checking if a position/agent is on the blue TEAM, just the blue side of the board. Red is on the left side, blue on the right.
def isOnBlueTeam(self, agentIndex)
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def isOnBlueTeam(self, agentIndex): """ Returns true if the agent with the given agentIndex is on the red team. """ return not self.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)
Returns true if the agent with the given agentIndex is on the red team.
def isOnRedSide(self, position)
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def isOnRedSide(self, position): """ Check the position see if it is on the red side. Note that this is not checking if a position/agent is on the red TEAM, just the red side of the board. Red is on the left side, blue on the right. """ return position[0] < int(self._layout.width / 2)
Check the position see if it is on the red side. Note that this is not checking if a position/agent is on the red TEAM, just the red side of the board. Red is on the left side, blue on the right.
def isOnRedTeam(self, agentIndex)
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def isOnRedTeam(self, agentIndex): """ Returns true if the agent with the given agentIndex is on the red team. """ return self._teams[agentIndex]
Returns true if the agent with the given agentIndex is on the red team.
class CaptureRules
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class CaptureRules: """ These game rules manage the control flow of a game, deciding when and how the game starts and ends. """ def newGame(self, layout, agents, display, length, catchExceptions, maxTotalAgentTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_AGENT_TIME_SECS, maxStartupTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MAX_STARTUP_TIME_SECS, moveWarningTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MOVE_WARNING_TIME_SECS, moveTimeoutTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MOVE_TIMEOUT_TIME_SECS, maxMoveWarnings = DEFAULT_MAX_MOVE_WARNINGS, **kwargs): initState = CaptureGameState(layout, length) starter = random.randint(0, 1)'%s team starts' % ['Red', 'Blue'][starter]) game = Game(agents, display, self, startingIndex = starter, catchExceptions = catchExceptions) game.state = initState game.length = length self._totalBlueFood = initState.getBlueFood().count() self._totalRedFood = initState.getRedFood().count() self._maxTotalAgentTimeSecs = maxTotalAgentTimeSecs self._maxStartupTimeSecs = maxStartupTimeSecs self._moveWarningTimeSecs = moveWarningTimeSecs self._moveTimeoutTimeSecs = moveTimeoutTimeSecs self._maxMoveWarnings = maxMoveWarnings return game def process(self, state, game): """ Checks to see whether it is time to end the game. """ # The two ways a game can end is by eatting food or a timeout. # The timeout endgame will be discovered here, # and the food endgame will be triggered elsewhere. # So, to continue in this method the game must be over (by food), # or the time must be out. if (not state.isOver() and state.getTimeleft() > 0): return game.gameOver = True redWin = False blueWin = False if (state.getRedFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD):"The Blue team ate all but %d of the opponents' dots." % MIN_FOOD) blueWin = True elif (state.getBlueFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD):"The Red team ate all but %d of the opponents' dots." % MIN_FOOD) redWin = True else:'Time is up.') if (state.getScore() < 0): blueWin = True elif (state.getScore() > 0): redWin = True if (not redWin and not blueWin):'Tie game!') state.endGame(False) return winner = 'Red' if (blueWin): winner = 'Blue''The %s team wins by %d points.' % (winner, abs(state.getScore()))) state.endGame(True) def agentCrash(self, game, agentIndex): if (game.state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)): logging.error("Red agent crashed.") game.state.setScore(-1) else: logging.error("Blue agent crashed.") game.state.setScore(1) def getMaxTotalAgentTime(self, agentIndex): return self._maxTotalAgentTimeSecs def getMaxStartupTime(self, agentIndex): return self._maxStartupTimeSecs def getMoveWarningTime(self, agentIndex): return self._moveWarningTimeSecs def getMoveTimeout(self, agentIndex): return self._moveTimeoutTimeSecs def getMaxTimeWarnings(self, agentIndex): return self._maxMoveWarnings
These game rules manage the control flow of a game, deciding when and how the game starts and ends.
def agentCrash(self, game, agentIndex)
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def agentCrash(self, game, agentIndex): if (game.state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)): logging.error("Red agent crashed.") game.state.setScore(-1) else: logging.error("Blue agent crashed.") game.state.setScore(1)
def getMaxStartupTime(self, agentIndex)
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def getMaxStartupTime(self, agentIndex): return self._maxStartupTimeSecs
def getMaxTimeWarnings(self, agentIndex)
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def getMaxTimeWarnings(self, agentIndex): return self._maxMoveWarnings
def getMaxTotalAgentTime(self, agentIndex)
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def getMaxTotalAgentTime(self, agentIndex): return self._maxTotalAgentTimeSecs
def getMoveTimeout(self, agentIndex)
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def getMoveTimeout(self, agentIndex): return self._moveTimeoutTimeSecs
def getMoveWarningTime(self, agentIndex)
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def getMoveWarningTime(self, agentIndex): return self._moveWarningTimeSecs
def newGame(self,
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def newGame(self, layout, agents, display, length, catchExceptions, maxTotalAgentTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_AGENT_TIME_SECS, maxStartupTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MAX_STARTUP_TIME_SECS, moveWarningTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MOVE_WARNING_TIME_SECS, moveTimeoutTimeSecs = DEFAULT_MOVE_TIMEOUT_TIME_SECS, maxMoveWarnings = DEFAULT_MAX_MOVE_WARNINGS, **kwargs): initState = CaptureGameState(layout, length) starter = random.randint(0, 1)'%s team starts' % ['Red', 'Blue'][starter]) game = Game(agents, display, self, startingIndex = starter, catchExceptions = catchExceptions) game.state = initState game.length = length self._totalBlueFood = initState.getBlueFood().count() self._totalRedFood = initState.getRedFood().count() self._maxTotalAgentTimeSecs = maxTotalAgentTimeSecs self._maxStartupTimeSecs = maxStartupTimeSecs self._moveWarningTimeSecs = moveWarningTimeSecs self._moveTimeoutTimeSecs = moveTimeoutTimeSecs self._maxMoveWarnings = maxMoveWarnings return game
def process(self, state, game)
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def process(self, state, game): """ Checks to see whether it is time to end the game. """ # The two ways a game can end is by eatting food or a timeout. # The timeout endgame will be discovered here, # and the food endgame will be triggered elsewhere. # So, to continue in this method the game must be over (by food), # or the time must be out. if (not state.isOver() and state.getTimeleft() > 0): return game.gameOver = True redWin = False blueWin = False if (state.getRedFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD):"The Blue team ate all but %d of the opponents' dots." % MIN_FOOD) blueWin = True elif (state.getBlueFood().count() <= MIN_FOOD):"The Red team ate all but %d of the opponents' dots." % MIN_FOOD) redWin = True else:'Time is up.') if (state.getScore() < 0): blueWin = True elif (state.getScore() > 0): redWin = True if (not redWin and not blueWin):'Tie game!') state.endGame(False) return winner = 'Red' if (blueWin): winner = 'Blue''The %s team wins by %d points.' % (winner, abs(state.getScore()))) state.endGame(True)
Checks to see whether it is time to end the game.